View Full Version : Weird!!

11-09-2012, 11:13 PM
Hi everyone,

i was wondering if anyone out there has had or is having the same anxiety symptoms as myself??

My anxiety comes before any event big or small, from a work meeting to going to a wedding!

I start thinking in my mind "what if i need the toilet" and the thought of not being able to go to the toilet makes me terribly anxious for hours before i do any event! Once the event is over or even during it sometimes i think to myself "what the hell was i anxious for", i know it sounds weird but i cant help these feelings and do not know how to get rid of them???

I've read that maybe my anxiety is somehow related with IBS?? Has anyone got any experience of this?? It's doing my head in....

11-10-2012, 12:37 AM
Just a feeling of not being in control, methinks.
I sometimes get a "What if a robbery occurs at work... and he wont let us eat or talk or anything or even get a drink..."

11-10-2012, 12:49 AM
Just a feeling of not being in control, methinks.
I sometimes get a "What if a robbery occurs at work... and he wont let us eat or talk or anything or even get a drink..."

11-10-2012, 12:54 AM
Thanks for the reply!!

I've been reading up and come across something that sounds very similar but I've never heard of it, its called 'the brain-gut connection'?? Has anyone ever heard of this and more so know how to treat/get rid of it????

11-10-2012, 03:02 AM
I know the the mind has control over everything in our body pretty much. If we think we're terribly sick, it can convince us we are and make our body like also think it is. And feel awful and groggy and such. It's all a part of anxiety in that case. And recovery from it is all in taming of the beast that is the mind. That has gotten a wee out of control. Like Brego, the horse Aragorn tames in the lord of the rings. Picture that horse as your mind, it is scared out of its mind, but then it is calmed by aragorn and tamed. Then it returns back to normal. Just gotto do that with your mind. Easier said than done ofcourse. Read up some of the ways on dealing with this on the stickies in the general discussion. :] mind find helpful things there to deal with these "What if" feeling and such

11-10-2012, 03:46 AM
Thanks for the reply!!

I've been reading up and come across something that sounds very similar but I've never heard of it, its called 'the brain-gut connection'?? Has anyone ever heard of this and more so know how to treat/get rid of it????

What, you didn't think the brain was connected to the gut before you read this!? doh! lol

Brain is connected to EVERYTHING. Brain is your central processing unit which communicates with all the peripherals in a duplex fashion.

Gut disturbances are one of the first tell-tale signs of anxiety. All folk get the "butterflies" in their stomachs, not least of all the anxious amongst us.

As said above, your poo-poo / wee-wee anxiety is caused by a perceived (irrational) lack of control - simple as.

Often, peeps with social anxiety see toilets as a means of escape from the situation they feel uncomfortable in. Toilets are like a place of sanctuary.

11-10-2012, 04:00 AM
Thanks for your comments!!

I'm gonna read other posts and hopefully find some tips on trying to control these feelings!!

Wish me luck, lol!!

11-10-2012, 04:15 AM
Thanks for your comments!!

I'm gonna read other posts and hopefully find some tips on trying to control these feelings!!

Wish me luck, lol!!

I wouldn't even bother trying if I were you.
Instead, call yourself an idiot for feeling this way, when ALL it is, is a silly fear of no toilet... when of course there is BOUND to be toilets around.

Don't think it's the toilet that's the actual issue to be honest. It's just you in social situations.

Best prevention? have a few drinks before hand... and CHILLLLLLLL.

11-10-2012, 01:07 PM
Harsh, but true I suppose! Just hope it's that easy next time the situation arrives......