View Full Version : What are the symptoms of ocd?

Lady White
11-09-2012, 07:05 PM
All I ever think about is cancer. I have cancer is all I think about. I don't even have cancer and all I think about is that I have it and I will die soon. Everything is cancer to me. I have a headache. Brain tumor ill die soon. A sore throat. Throat cancer. My tongue is sore. Mouth cancer. Chest pain heart cancer. That's all I think about. I'm basically obsesse with cancer. What are the symptoms of OCD because I think I have it.

11-10-2012, 01:23 AM
I'm not sure its OCD, I think its just anxiety, because cancer scares you (makes you anxious) you think about it constantly, you need to break yourself out of that habit, maybe some CBT worksheets? So you can see where your going wrong?
I had OCD when I was younger, I used to put everything in lines, filick the lightswitch 7 times and if I saw a red van I'd have to tap red 7 times lol sounds mad now but it was little things like that, I still do the lines thing when I'm nervous.
But ocd comes in lots of shapes and sizes but its usually people doing rituals to fight something their afraid of..