View Full Version : Hypochondria

11-09-2012, 03:19 PM
Hello everyone,
So obviously I'm here because I believe I suffer from anxiety (for a wide range of reasons) I haven't ever been to a doctor about it and I don't plan to. But the other day when I was speaking to my I'm about another of my health worries, she screamed and shouted at me (which made me panic more) and told me I'm a hypochondriac and I'm making it all up. Now I'm beginning to wonder whether I have anxiety at all or whether I'm a fake despite the terrible symptoms I have :/

I've done a little research on hypochondria, but I have a question for anyone who's more knowledgable about it or has it themselves; when you become convinced ou have a health ailment is it possible to experience all p the symptoms but not actually have the disease and all of the symptoms be in your head due to the hypochondria?

I'm constantly worrying over my health and breakdown completely maybe 2 times a week because I think I'm going to die and I experience all the symptoms but never actually have anything seriously wrong when I see a dr. My most recent 'breakdown' was over cervical cancer and then syphilis but when I spoke to y mum as I said she told me off and now I'm doubting everything.. But at the same time I know there must be somethig wrong because I have the symptoms as evidence? If that makes any sense whatsoever.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)

Ashleigh xo

11-09-2012, 03:23 PM
Yes it is very common to get all the symptoms but not actually have the disease itself . I have self diagnosed myself with so many things its crazy this week I told myself I had a tumor so my head hurt all wk ! Your not alone or crazy . Believe me I'm here if u need me .

11-09-2012, 05:09 PM
Thank you so much.
Tonight I'm worrying I'm pregnant - I had unprotected intercourse once 20 weeks ago and have taken two tests since, both negative, and I'm still in an absolute state thinking they're wrong, and I'm having some symptoms. :/

11-09-2012, 09:38 PM
Our minds do crazy shit believe me I have been there ! Hell I am still there lol sorry for the language lol

11-10-2012, 03:07 AM
Yeah it's absolutely crazy that when you're suffering from this, you experience physical symptoms too, I feel like my own body is betraying me.
I took one pregnancy test at about 4 weeks after then another 8 weeks after and both were negative so, surely there is no chance I could be? I'm also on the pill.
I think wht started this is that I'm going in for an op on my knee Monday and they want a urine sample when I go in to check for pregnancy and so now I'm panicking thinking I've waited three months to have this what If I'm miraculously 20 weeks pregnant and they can't do it! I'm only 18 this isn't what I want.
Do you think there's any chance?

Social Butterfly
11-10-2012, 04:37 AM
I have a heart condition, and I often have really bad episodes.
Sometimes as soon as I feel my heart beat out of place I go into a total panic and almost make
Myself feel it hurt, not because I want to but because it's so used to what I feeling, its what what I'm scared to feel.

11-10-2012, 07:29 AM
I'm a mommy and I know when I took a test to find out if I was pregnant with my daughter it was positive right away .! And when I took two as well and they were both positive . When your body gets worked up it can trick your mind so I know it's not easy but try to relax and the symptoms should calm down as well ;) if u need anything else let me know I am always here

11-10-2012, 07:53 AM
Social butterfly - really sorry to hear about our heart condition. But no I completely understand how when you have an episode in your mind you could feel pain but not actually
Be havig pain- if that makes sense!
And Audrey- yeah I know these tests are 99% accurate but I always believe I'm the 1%! Haha,
I've taken a third and that's negative too, so il take a fourth later tonight and that'll be negative too so hopefully after four tests by different brands and same results ill stop worrying about it!
Thank you for your support, maybe in te near future ill drop you a message, you are more than welcome to do the same :)