View Full Version : Crazy and i dont like it!

11-09-2012, 09:50 AM
The way most people obsess over their physical health and believe something is wrong with them, is the same way I worry about my mental health. I am convinced that I have more severe mental problems then just simply, anxiety. No matter how many times someone reassures me I believe I am or have the following: schizophrenia, psychosis, I'm on my way to becoming a psychopath, or maybe I am just plain old evil. It does not help that my mind plays tricks on me when my anxiety is at its peak. I'm convinced I'm crazy!

11-09-2012, 11:18 AM
If your doctor has told you that your fine, then you are! Look at it like this, if you we're really crazy, would you be on here worrying and writing about it? No you'd probably be say in the corner rocking and talking to yourself ?? I went to the opticians the other day and as soon as I walks in some old man scared the day lights out if me ' AY AY I DREW A PICTURE I DID' he shouted and pulled out a folder from his bag and showed me his creation (a piece of paper with lines and random stuck on brown paper) but ya know what, he was ecstatic about his marvellous work and so I smiled and showed my appreciation for it!! If you we're really crazy you wouldn't be here, it's you mind telling you that! And you really won't get better until you accept that it is anxiety an start to move on from the feelings. Distract yourself, draw, find a hobby, go for a walk. Anything just to distract you mind. I completely get why you fear this because I did but then it hit me, every crazy person I've met has been so happy and doesn't know a thing. So if I ever get like that I wouldn't know anyway :) I hope this can help you at least a little!!

11-09-2012, 05:42 PM
Pandora is right, crazy people don't know they're crazy. If the thought of you hurting someone makes you scared it's because you have feelings and compassion towards other people and that's the complete opposite of a psycopath.