View Full Version : Major Panic Attack, one year later

11-09-2012, 08:44 AM
Hello All,

Back in nov of 2011, I had a huge panic attack, thought I was going to have a heart attack. I got dizzy, felt a hot surge, my left side was tingling. After 6 days at the hospital, and countless of vists to the er and des appointments , drs couldn't find anything wrong with me. So I got better after seeing a psychiatrist. But I still have hot flushes and dizzy ness, skipped heart beats all the time, 24/7. I still keep thinking that there is something a little more serious, but after all these drs saying there is nothing wrong with me, I think like I am going crazy. On one end, drs say that there is nothing wrong with me, which is great, but on the other hand I still have these symptoms 24/7.

Does anyone have these constant system of hot flashes, dizziness, shortness of breath? And does this ever go away?

11-09-2012, 08:55 AM
I do!!! In a bad way, I've gotten rather used to a lot of the symptoms of panic....although a few still really bother me. I get that 'feeling' that a panic attack is coming on, and I will start to used certain methods to try to stop the full attack....most times it works,sometimes it doesn't. I think everyone just has to find things that work for them, to keep the anxiety at bay.
I do a combination of meds and therapy.