View Full Version : Sick With Anxiety

04-17-2007, 05:32 AM
I have just gone through a severe anxiety breakdown and now have felt so sick for a week I can not function. Extreme headache, terrible nausea, dizzy, sick head, weak, nightmares, ache all over and feel like the worst case of flu I have ever had.

I have had this disorder for many years and never had these severe symptoms and feeling so sick.

Anyone else had this


04-17-2007, 06:05 PM
Not so much with the physical symptoms for me, but hey: I'm there with you.
I'm frankly miserable right now; I can't enjoy anything in my life, and yes, I do feel moderately ill most of the time.
And I know it's all because of my stupid anxiety.
Right now it is focused on specific health concerns, but if it weren't that, it would be something else, because the anxiety is ALWAYS there.
As soon as one crisis is resolved, I find another to fixate on.
I hate it that I am this way.
I am so terribly unhappy.

04-19-2007, 01:02 AM
I no what yeh mean . i had a really bad case off the flu about 2 month ago n ave never been the same . ave had bad physical symtoms about twice now . which last for a week and more panic attacks happen more but hey am still here :) .