View Full Version : Reasurance

11-08-2012, 03:58 PM
Hi all, just wanted a bit if reassurance! I've had a weird tingling numb sensation in my right temple and head area for a few months now! Initially it used to make me panic but the doctor has just said its tension headache. In ok with this and it doesn't make me anxious anymore but it's always there and drives me nuts!!! Does anyone else get this or has had it?? If so how did you get rid if it?? Also tive been reading some posts about heart stuff and I think my mind has started creating illusions. I seem to notice my heart rate drop :/ again do any of you get this?? It doesn't seem to be a common symptom thank you x

11-08-2012, 10:36 PM
Recently as my problems have gotten worse my head has felt quite funny. Whenever I am worrying or thinking about my problems a lot the front portion of my head, especially my temples, gets a tingling or pressure like sensation as you describe. If I get very anxious sometimes my heart will start with palpitations and sometimes with a very strong beat that almost effects my whole body when I sit against something or lay down. One of my friends told me that her Doctor said that if you had a really stressful and anxious week you may not get the palpitations until a day or two after you have settled down, as a way your body uses to get rid of extra adrenaline or whatever.

11-08-2012, 11:59 PM
I've had all kinda symptoms / pains, but less so in the head.

However, I've had a few head pains which I know I can associate with anxiety. If anxiety can cause all the other weird and not-so-wonderful pains then there's no reason why it can't do so on / in the head.

I've read on here that lots of people suffer the same.