View Full Version : Xanax

04-17-2007, 01:34 AM
I recently (grudgingly) started taking Xanax for severe,frequent panic attacks . I've actually had a bottle of Xanax,Ativan,and Buspar sitting around for months because I'm hesitant about taking any of them. I've taken 1 or 2 mg of Xanax at the most for under a week but I've already felt the need to increase my dose and have been experiencing bad breakthrough anxiety and panic when I can't find the medication. Because I've been at a low dose for only several days, would it be safe to stop the medication? Would anyone recommend Buspar or Ativan over the Xanax? Or perhaps a different medication altogether. I'm concerned over the severe side effects listed on the Buspar,and not too thrilled about how long it takes to work. Is there any fast acting,long lasting,effective,non addictive medication out there, or am I dreaming? Related experiences would be very helpful.

04-17-2007, 05:38 AM
BuSpar is a drug that has never worked for most anxiety people. Xanax can actually cause anxiety in many people as can all benzos.

It alters the brains GABA receptors so that when you don't take it they upregulate and cause additional arousal and anxiety. Kind of a cruel joke for us.

I would have a bad time and take a benzo, feel better and quit after a few days, then the anxiety would be even worse so I would take another....kind of sounds like addiction.....feel bad take a drug, drug makes you feel better then worse so you have to take another.

I finally took them daily and then went through total hell getting off. Natural anxiety methods are probably safer.


04-17-2007, 10:52 AM
I use Xanax for my anxiety and for the most part it works for me. It works best if I take a half of a 1mg pill as soon as I even think an attack may be coming on. If I don't and get hit with a big attack then I may end up taking a full pill or sometimes even 2 then lie down and feel better within a half an hour usually.

As far as the pill itself goes as far as I know it's a take as you need type of medication. Some people just take one before they have to do public speaking or fly and that's it so stopping it shouldn't be a problem, addiction is my biggest concern with Xanax. My Dr. prescribes me 90 pills (one 3 times a day) but I don't take anywhere near that much so it will last me 2-4 months although I may be setting a record right now since my attacks have started up again with a vengeance for some reason.

04-17-2007, 12:58 PM
I have taken adivan and xanax. Neither has worked for me. Getting off of them were no problem, I guess because they didn't work and I didn't feel any better with them. I am not on anything now. When I was taking the benzos I felt the same as I do now. I asked my doc about upping the dosage and he looked at me as if I were crazy and said I think we need to get to the "root of your problems". My advise would be to look around for better doctors if you don't already have one, so that they can help you better understand what is right for you. Let them know how they (benzos) affect you....hope this helps!