View Full Version : Aching arms

11-07-2012, 01:08 PM
Does anyone get really bad arm ache when they are feeling anxious ? I have had a bad muscle ache type feeling in both of my arms all day and now it's even done into my fingers it's really annoying me !!!!

11-07-2012, 01:22 PM
Yeah... arm pain is one of the most odd, annoying & most difficult to associate with anxiety pains out of all of them. Chest / neck is kinda understandable but arms!? its like... what the f**ck is this s**t all about!? lol

Its common though.

11-07-2012, 01:30 PM
Yeah that's totally correct I'm not worried about it because I've had it before but it's just weird like arms come on :p so random! Fuck you anxiety