View Full Version : New here, another face question

04-16-2007, 11:55 AM
Hi all,

I guess I had more to say than I thought as you can see from below so I decided to just put my question up top and you can read my intro if you'd like. I saw another recent post about face twitching buy I feel a little different from that. For that past 4 or 5 days I've had a "sensation" in only the left side of my face and sometimes my left arm. No twitching or anything, it almost feels numb but it's not kinda hard to explain. I usually think I'm having heart attacks but now I feel like I have a brain tumor (and a heart attack of course). I was just wondering if anyone else experiences weird feelings like these on just one side of their bodies for a prolonged period before I run off to my Dr. saying I need a brain scan. One of my fears by the way is that if I wright everything off as anxiety I may miss early symptoms to a serious problem...

(unexpected intro)
Although I'm new to this forum I've been suffering from anxiety attacks for about 2 years. I can't remember the exact date but it must be almost exactly 2 years ago when I blacked out for a split second and ended up hooked up to an EKG machine in urgent care and have been having attacks ever sense. Mostly mild with the occasional crippling attack which leaves me pretty much out of service for a couple of hours. Triggers I know of are meetings at work and driving especially in traffic. Just Saturday we drove to an event about an hour away and I felt pretty bad most of the way until we hit major traffic for the last 10 miles of the trip. Luckily I've always been able to maintain control but sweat from my palms was practically dripping down the steering wheel and I felt I would loose control and swerve into another car at any moment but we ended up making it safe and sound but my wife had to drive home especially considering I "needed" start pounding beers just to get the attack under control. Funny thing is that pretty much only my wife even knows about my attacks and I don't even talk to her about it much although she's very supportive when I do. I think being a 37 year old alpha male makes it hard for me to talk about my "weakness". I make a good living, have a wonderful family and live in a nice house in Southern California and often feel extremely guilty I feel this way when there are so many other people suffering so much in the world. I've been doing pretty well up until the past 2 or three weeks and they've really been acting up again so I guess I just needed to say hello and ramble on for a few minutes. And not to mention my vicious circle started up when my attacks get worse which is drinking too much. Just yesterday I wasn't feeling well then I had to sand on a stage in front of 200-300 people all by myself for a few minutes. After than I must have had 3 or four gin and tonics and about a 12 pack of beer over the rest of the day. It helped soooo much having all that at the time but now I have a hang over and am fighting off all my attack symptoms because of it. Anyways I guess that's enough for now, if you made it this far thanks for listening.