View Full Version : Aching arms .. Any solution

11-07-2012, 10:20 AM
I know aching arms are a symptom of anxiety I get them quite a lot actually ! Does anyone know anything that can solve it ? Heat pack etc there really annoying me

11-07-2012, 04:58 PM
I know aching arms are a symptom of anxiety I get them quite a lot actually ! Does anyone know anything that can solve it ? Heat pack etc there really annoying me

Anxiety pains in the arms are from the same source which causes pain in all the other, usual areas.
Chest / neck / head / legs / ankles! / hands / fingers / back... they all get it to various degrees of severity.

To date, I have personally not heard of any reflief methods for these pains - they are in a class of their own.

Unlike normal pains such as bruising or swelling, anxiety driven pains are a direct result of neuro transmissions, travelling from the brain, through your nervous system to the point of destination, causing pulling / tugging and tensing of that area.

You might rub, stretch or massage the affected area, which can provide some relief... but this doesn't stop the neuro activity.

A further problem with this is that, once affected, it can take a LONG time for that area to settle back down.
Although not anywhere near as drastic, it is similar to pulling a muscle. It only takes a second to pull it... but it takes a LONG time to return to a resting state.
It's not uncommon for an anxious episode to cause pain which can last for 24 hours or more.

My own personal experience is that a good night's kip usually provides for a good recovery, whereby I might go to bed with some anxiety pain but wake completely free of it.

With anxiety disorder, the answer is prevention... not cure.
If you can prevent the anxiety cause (thoughts / depression / sadness / anger / stress), you will obviously prevent the ensuing pains.