View Full Version : Facing it today!

11-07-2012, 09:40 AM
So I get really anxious some mornings because I have to be alone with my daughter and I have really bad thoughts about her :( somedays I can manage it and some are harder to manage. These past few days I have been feeling so weird like I'm going to snap or lose control and hurt her in anyway and that scares the shit out of me. So, instead of running out the door to go shopping or whatever to feel safe and avoid my creepy thoughts, i am staying in the house with her to prove to myself she is safe with me, alone just as she always has been! I'm facing this stupid anxiety today because it will not win! At least not for the next five minutes that I'm brave :/ haha

11-07-2012, 11:19 AM
Just think happy thoughts. Do something that u both enjoy. I love your username : )

11-07-2012, 11:43 AM
That's what I'm working on :) happy thought!

11-07-2012, 11:44 AM
Oh and thanks my name is Melissa but everyone calls me Mel or Melly :) so I combined then lol

11-07-2012, 03:55 PM
Good for you!! I try my hardest to stand up to my anxiety as I think it's the best way to try and banish it :) I hope everything went well :)

11-08-2012, 01:40 AM
I was having thoughts like this towards my son aswell so..
I'm going to ask you a question, what do you think of those mothers that beat their children? Or the parent that shakes their baby to death? Or even the people that murder there children with no apparent reason?
If your like me and this makes you sick to your stomach, and angry as f**k that these monsters are about, can you seriously envision yourself doing any harm to your daughter?
To see her little face if you'd hurt her?
No you couldn't.. You know it, I know it even though I don't know you..
A woman once asked me those questions when I was having thoughts and when I realised the anger I felt towards people that hurt their children I realised I could never do the things my thoughts were making me worried about..
And they disappeared! Might not work for you but try it, whatever these thoughts are just imagine someone else carried them out on their child and the pure anger you'd feel, might help..