View Full Version : Im here- Tired of feeling alone:(

11-07-2012, 09:00 AM
Hi everyone!

Im teeny, Ive had anxiety for about 10 yrs. I consider myself a very driven,creative,happy,determined person. But then there is my issue with anxiety. I have had anxiety for 10 yrs. When I first had my 1st child things spiraled out of controled. I couldnet step out of the house without feeling panic. Things got better..I was able to attend nursing school and graduated! Yay! that was a huge accomplishment for me. Hubby is my safe person. I know I should be but he def. keeps me calm

Today my panic attacks are almost non exsistent...untill I think about driving. I was able to get a license yay! another accomplishment. BUT, driving is my biggest challenge. Now do I have to drive? NO, hubby has no problem taking me to work, we shop together and everything. I can always take public transportation. So im not forced to. My therapist says that is the reason why driving is a challenge because I really dont have to do it. But, I feel like a failure. how can I be a professional, mother, and tell my child to face her fears if i cant face mine!!! I feel alone...like I pretend to be someone im not...

So my therapist mentioned anxiety forums so I wont feel so alone. Im willing to try anything. I dont have the best self esteem:(

11-07-2012, 09:46 AM
Hi teeny, I'm new too,
Well done for passing ur driving test it's so hard, I found my really frightening,
Beig on a forum defo helps I had anxiety disorder for 18 months and have defo got better.
Hope ur ok x

11-08-2012, 05:57 AM
Can you start by just sitting in the car and then working up to very short drives and then slowly going on slightly longer drives, etc? Alankay

11-08-2012, 07:25 AM
Hi Teeny,

well done - I know lots of people who don't persevere with things like driving if it upsets them. I think it might help to identify exactly what part of drivinbg causes the anxiety? Are you scared that you might crash, or that others might crash into you? Are you over-aware of other drivers (rather than the cars they drive) - do you have problems making eye contact with other drivers, or do you find it realyl hard to sit in traffic if you htink people are looking at you/judging you? Just some ideas really, but I think it's too easy to assume that people are just "nervous drivers" when there are many more issues/causes out there.