View Full Version : Hi im new: :0)

11-07-2012, 07:07 AM
Hi I'm new I downloaded this app, after having another that went all wrong because ppl were arguing
I hope to make new friends and get and receive help, I'm 27 married and have had my anxiety/panic disorder for 18 months,

11-22-2012, 07:36 AM
being married can be very difficult at times and rewarding at others. None of us are prepared for what marrage brings and it can be much harder than you ever thought. Then kids add to the stress even though its rewarding, then theres the house, then the college expenses, then on and on it piles up. Marrage counciling works for many and its worth a try.

11-22-2012, 08:44 PM
Hello, and welcome!

I'm sorry that you're going through a rough patch in life. I mainly stay in the Welcome section, and I haven't been here long, but I have not seen any fighting. Just regular people trying to help regular other people. What's going on in your life right now that is causing the anxiety?
