View Full Version : how long to try a medication

04-15-2007, 10:51 PM
Hello everyone. I've been taking tofranil for about 2 weeks, and I swear it is just making me worse. I am irritable and more anxious than I was before I started taking it. I sleep great though. hehe so, my question is, would you think I should keep taking it or is this long enough to say its not working? I could ask my doctor for something else, but I wanted to get some advice from everyone else first! I know that sometimes it takes medicines awhile to start working but it seems to be working opposite.

04-17-2007, 08:04 PM
In my experience, most medications DO make you feel worse in the beginning. The time it takes for it to get into your system can be a nightmare, which can be from two weeks to a month. Side effects from most of these medicines can be nothing for some people, pure hell for others. You just have to ride it out and see what the results are. I would give it a month, and then decide what to do. A word of warning though, don't EVER just stop taking it, you have to wean yourself off of it. The effects of withdrawl from suddenly stopping can be devastating. Give it some time, and if its not helping, talk to your doctor. Good Luck !!