View Full Version : Trembling

11-06-2012, 09:20 PM
Does anyone else tremble when they get anxious? I have had anxiety for a long time and trembling never used to be a symptom that I had often but it seems to be now. Just wanted to see if anyone else experiences it.

11-06-2012, 11:15 PM
Does anyone else tremble when they get anxious? I have had anxiety for a long time and trembling never used to be a symptom that I had often but it seems to be now. Just wanted to see if anyone else experiences it.

About 2 months ago I started having internal trembling in my abdominal cavity and it was preventing me from falling asleep and then when I would finally get so exhausted and fall asleep and I would sometimes wake up with it. So I went to the doc and she confirmed that yes it was an anxiety symptom. I also have visible trembling with my hands that tends to happen more in the morning hours, which had led me to believe that I had low blood sugars, however my blood work all came back fine. I've been dealing with panic disorder for the last 13 yrs and just in the last 6 months (since having baby#4) my anxiety and panic has gotten worse. Hope this helped you!

11-07-2012, 01:09 AM
Anxiety / panic is like a hyper-active volcano inside you... starts out with seeping larva (adrenalin / nerves going bonkers) and eventually errupts into a full blown panic.

This inner hyper activity creates a lot of energy necessary for the impending fight or flight. This energy will inevitably cause trembling / shaking if it is not used up.

11-07-2012, 01:31 AM
Yup i get that too! In my hands and legs,my hands clench and i get like a vibrating sensation in my face.

11-07-2012, 01:33 AM
Yup i get that too! In my hands and legs,my hands clench and i get like a vibrating sensation in my face.

Yep, we effectively become giant, human vibrators...

OOooh behave!

11-07-2012, 06:10 AM
Yep, from the adrenaline. Common along with fast heart beat, shaking, etc. Betablocker will help if this is for social situations/speeches/interviews. Alankay