View Full Version : sharings caring

11-06-2012, 03:24 PM
Would anybody like to share their stories? It can be how you got to where you are now,coping mechanisms or how your overcoming it. It sounds like we could all do with some inspiration,i know i certainly could.

11-06-2012, 03:50 PM
I was doing until a few weeks ago I stopped implementing any self help and gradually it was all getting on top of me again! I bought a few self help books and have started to meditate! And I feel fantastic I still get little jitters and increased anxiety about certain situations like meetings or queues etc but for the most part I'm doing good! What about you?? X

11-06-2012, 04:00 PM
Have Good days and bad. There are times When i just want to give up and then there are times When i want to be better so i can have a life. I'm keeping a diary and i have an app on my phone called "depression cbt". Its full of really useful tips and helps you track your depression.

11-06-2012, 04:17 PM
I've just read a great book called self help for your nerves, I do t think I have depression but I do have day where I want to give up too! I just try and stay positive an tell my self that I WILL get better :)

11-06-2012, 04:50 PM
Would anybody like to share their stories? It can be how you got to where you are now,coping mechanisms or how your overcoming it. It sounds like we could all do with some inspiration,i know i certainly could.

I'll bump my thread re. "how did your anxiety start"

Some interesting stories in there...

11-09-2012, 03:33 PM
I look back and i think ive had anxiety since i was a teenager at least, never needed meds or therapy for panic until my first wife left me. 10 years ago. Going through it again now due to some bad business decisions. I am back on lexapro, on day 9 of increasing dose. My.mornings suck, usually as the day goes on, i get better...usually.

Its really hard to run a business when i am like this.

11-09-2012, 04:09 PM
I think I have always been anxious, but I really developed physical symptoms after the birth of my first child. I started getting slight dizzy spells when driving or in stressful situations. I went through all types of inner ear testing, everything came back normal. Then I got pregnant with my second child. I had a completely normal pregnancy, with no anxiety at all. The anxiety returned big time about 4 months after having my second child....and its only gotten worse.
I'm taking buspar and Zoloft, which seems to work for me most days, but if things do get remotely stressful, I can't handle it very well, and sometimes still experience panic attacks. I see a therapist, although she doesn't specialize in CBT. I definitely have my series of good days, then the not so good days. I tend to not handle some small situations very well, and tend to always assume the worst is going to happen. I can sometimes have a short fuse with my family and tend to constantly focus on my new anxiety symptom. Some days I feel hopeful about overcoming this issue, and some days I just feel worn down, like I'm tired of the constant battle of fighting panic and anxiety.