View Full Version : I want my life back...

maggie tia
11-06-2012, 03:22 PM
Iv been having panicattacks for years now it started out I couldn't go out in public by myself it's at the stage now where I panic about being at home with my 2 little boys in case I have a panic attack and faint.. What are they supposed to do if something happens to me.. I just want to be normal I want my life back.. The dr has prescribed me lexapro 10 mg but iv read so much about the side effects for the first few days that I'm panicking about taking it... What do I do???

11-06-2012, 03:26 PM
Have you tried seeing a therapist?

maggie tia
11-06-2012, 03:29 PM
Have you tried seeing a therapist?

No but iv been advised to see one.. They are not cheap..

11-06-2012, 03:36 PM
Take it. The doctor wouldn't have given it to you had they not thought that it was right for you. We with any anti-depressants there will be side effects,but it doesn't mean to say that you will get them all and they dissappear after your body get used to them (usually 2/3 weeks). I'm on prozac and after 2 weeks i wasn't getting any side effects and was instead reaping the benefits. Everyone's body reacts differently,what works for one person mightn't not work for another,etc. If your still unsure,speak to your doctor,ask questions,they will be happy to answer them. Don't google,you can't believe everything you read. Hope this helps and Good luck : )

maggie tia
11-06-2012, 03:38 PM
Take it. The doctor wouldn't have given it to you had they not thought that it was right for you. We with any anti-depressants there will be side effects,but it doesn't mean to say that you will get them all and they dissappear after your body get used to them (usually 2/3 weeks). I'm on prozac and after 2 weeks i wasn't getting any side effects and was instead reaping the benefits. Everyone's body reacts differently,what works for one person mightn't not work for another,etc. If your still unsure,speak to your doctor,ask questions,they will be happy to answer them. Don't google,you can't believe everything you read. Hope this helps and Good luck : )

I know I should take them because I really don't want to live like this anymore, I'm just so scared.. Thanks for ur advice:)

11-06-2012, 03:40 PM
Your welcome. I was in the same predicament,but i'm glad i make the leap of faith.

11-06-2012, 03:54 PM
You could always try self help CBT it's exactly what the therapist would tell you just on paper and free :) I get what you mean about the cost and you don't want to be worrying about money in top if everything else. But is therapy is brilliant!! But first just have a look at done books on amazon or worksheets in google an see how you get on :) good luck xx

maggie tia
11-06-2012, 04:04 PM
You could always try self help CBT it's exactly what the therapist would tell you just on paper and free :) I get what you mean about the cost and you don't want to be worrying about money in top if everything else. But is therapy is brilliant!! But first just have a look at done books on amazon or worksheets in google an see how you get on :) good luck xx

Thank u... I will try anything at this point... My anxiety was always there but was manageable until a few months ago when I crashed my car a month later my mother in law died then a month after that my dad died, since then it has spiraled out of control, I don't understand.. Iv tried herbal remedies nothing works I need something to work ASAP

11-06-2012, 04:14 PM
I feel great atm and in the past two weeks the only things I've changed is cutting out caffeine, reading self help books and meditating once a day! It's my thoughts that u need to get under control and hopefully I will be able to in time :) x

11-06-2012, 04:56 PM
I started having panic attacks about 3 years ago. My mother died of cancer and I had scrappy contractor building a house for my family. Was off work for few months. 40 mg/d celexa.

Weened off meds over year ago. Panic attacks back. Off work again for 3 weeks. Been on 20 mg/d celexa for 3 weeks. Still battling building this house (yes 3 years later) structure issues, sagging floors, half sided, water coming in crawl space, trim missing, paint etc. goes on and on. Very stressful.

Stopped drinking coffee. Trying breathing excersises. Drinking green tea, exercise etc. still getting them. Also little lost feeling think that's the meds. I don't even drive anymore. I'm afraid too.

Company I work for is setting me up with CBT. Hopefully helps.

I'm also gonna look at ordering workbooks online for anxiety.

Your not alone. I want my life back too. I have 2 young kids to take care of when wife's at work. It's tough but try to remember things will get better eventually. I highly recommend laying on floor on back (eyes closed) breathe in deep through nose, out through barely open mouth. Bring arms in as you breathe in, arms out as you breathe out. I do this in bathroom floor with ceiling fan on. It helps. I do it for 10-20 mins, depending on how it feels at time.

11-06-2012, 05:11 PM
No but iv been advised to see one.. They are not cheap..

Hut hum... cognetive therapy, or at least some kind of counselling is priceless for this condition.

"Cheap" is a subjective word. Define "cheap"?

In Cambridge, UK - you can get excellent therapist for around £60 per hour.
On average, you'll need between 5 and 10 sessions - so at best, it'll cost £300, at worst £600.
This is a tiny price to pay for such help...

Money should NOT even come into it. Just do it... even if for 3 or 4 sessions.

maggie tia
11-06-2012, 05:24 PM
I started having panic attacks about 3 years ago. My mother died of cancer and I had scrappy contractor building a house for my family. Was off work for few months. 40 mg/d celexa.

Weened off meds over year ago. Panic attacks back. Off work again for 3 weeks. Been on 20 mg/d celexa for 3 weeks. Still battling building this house (yes 3 years later) structure issues, sagging floors, half sided, water coming in crawl space, trim missing, paint etc. goes on and on. Very stressful.

Stopped drinking coffee. Trying breathing excersises. Drinking green tea, exercise etc. still getting them. Also little lost feeling think that's the meds. I don't even drive anymore. I'm afraid too.

Company I work for is setting me up with CBT. Hopefully helps.

I'm also gonna look at ordering workbooks online for anxiety.

Your not alone. I want my life back too. I have 2 young kids to take care of when wife's at work. It's tough but try to remember things will get better eventually. I highly recommend laying on floor on back (eyes closed) breathe in deep through nose, out through barely open mouth. Bring arms in as you breathe in, arms out as you breathe out. I do this in bathroom floor with ceiling fan on. It helps. I do it for 10-20 mins, depending on how it feels at time.

Thank u for sharing ur story I am glad I'm not alone, I'm not glad other people go thru it I'm just glad other people can relate to me

maggie tia
11-06-2012, 05:26 PM
Hut hum... cognetive therapy, or at least some kind of counselling is priceless for this condition.

"Cheap" is a subjective word. Define "cheap"?

In Cambridge, UK - you can get excellent therapist for around £60 per hour.
On average, you'll need between 5 and 10 sessions - so at best, it'll cost £300, at worst £600.
This is a tiny price to pay for such help...

Money should NOT even come into it. Just do it... even if for 3 or 4 sessions.

Dazza I live in Australia & I am a single mother with four children, if I could afford it I wouldn't hesitate but I simply can't afford it

maggie tia
11-06-2012, 05:27 PM
I started having panic attacks about 3 years ago. My mother died of cancer and I had scrappy contractor building a house for my family. Was off work for few months. 40 mg/d celexa.

Weened off meds over year ago. Panic attacks back. Off work again for 3 weeks. Been on 20 mg/d celexa for 3 weeks. Still battling building this house (yes 3 years later) structure issues, sagging floors, half sided, water coming in crawl space, trim missing, paint etc. goes on and on. Very stressful.

Stopped drinking coffee. Trying breathing excersises. Drinking green tea, exercise etc. still getting them. Also little lost feeling think that's the meds. I don't even drive anymore. I'm afraid too.

Company I work for is setting me up with CBT. Hopefully helps.

I'm also gonna look at ordering workbooks online for anxiety.

Your not alone. I want my life back too. I have 2 young kids to take care of when wife's at work. It's tough but try to remember things will get better eventually. I highly recommend laying on floor on back (eyes closed) breathe in deep through nose, out through barely open mouth. Bring arms in as you breathe in, arms out as you breathe out. I do this in bathroom floor with ceiling fan on. It helps. I do it for 10-20 mins, depending on how it feels at time.

Thank u for sharing ur story I'm glad I'm not alone not glad other people go thru this but glad others can relate to how I feel

maggie tia
11-06-2012, 05:35 PM
Ok Maggie .

No more excesses . I also live in OZ so i know the cost . But there is other ways .

Tell me what you have done to this stage and we can work from there .

I have tried all herbal things, I use rescue remedie have totally avoided the prescribed stuff, tried breathing techniques relaxation none of it works.. I'm about to take my first lexapro but from what iv read I'm panicking about taking it.. What should I do?

maggie tia
11-06-2012, 05:44 PM
would you like to chat .

I think , well i am sure from the fact your getting panics still is your scared shitless cause you dont understand whats happening .

Yeah I would appreciate chatting to anyone who can relate to me

11-06-2012, 06:35 PM
Medication can really help you get your life back. I take zoloft and have on and off for years, they are annoying at first with all the side effects but I can promise you, if you find the right medication for you, it is MORE than worth it, in the end. Some people don't get any side effects at all. Reading into them doesn't help either, if you're anything like me, it will make your anxiety a million times worse reading into that stuff. Truth is, every medicine effects everyone differently. I would give the medication a shot. I am back on zoloft, 2.5weeks into it, and I am already feeling 80% better than I was 2 weeks ago. Don't give up! We are here if you need us! Best of luck to you!

11-11-2012, 03:10 AM
Hi Maggie, just reading above that you don't have a therapist. I'm surprised your GP hasn't put you on a mental health plan and you get 5 sessions free. My GP has for me and I pay nothing!
Hope this info helps :)