View Full Version : Face Twitching

04-15-2007, 05:29 PM
Anyone ever get twitching in their face due to anxiety? Its mainly only on the left side of my face(lip area). My right side is fine though.. Is there any way of dealing with it, like face exercise or anything like that?

04-15-2007, 05:45 PM
Anyone ever get twitching in their face due to anxiety? Its mainly only on the left side of my face(lip area). My right side is fine though.. Is there any way of dealing with it, like face exercise or anything like that?

I get a minor involuntary-muscle twitch in my eyelid sometimes.
It can, occasionally, go on for hours or days.
It doesn't bother me much; it's so minor it's not that noticeable to others.
I have no idea if it's related to my anxiety/ panic.
I've never noticed a correlation between the onset of my anxiety and the beginning of this twitch. But then again, I've never really paid attention or connected the two things.
It could well be that they are related.

04-16-2007, 12:37 PM
When I am going through periods of high stress I get facial twitches (mostly my left eye). Others don't notice it but it can get bothersome. I have no idea how to stop them except they always go away with time. I have not found a way to alleviate them when they are occurring. I just roll with it and keep on. Not much help but you are not alone.

04-17-2007, 07:15 PM
YES! my nose was doing this weird twitching thing for the longest time. i was so stressed and anxious, i think hat's what caused it. it wasn't fun.it was annoying.

and my left eye twitched constantly for abour 5 days straight. it wouldn;t do it every minute but every so often to annoy you


04-17-2007, 07:29 PM
YES! my nose was doing this weird twitching thing for the longest time. i was so stressed and anxious, i think hat's what caused it. it wasn't fun.it was annoying.

and my left eye twitched constantly for abour 5 days straight. it wouldn;t do it every minute but every so often to annoy you


I must be a freak; I sort of LIKED the way my eye felt when it was twitching.
It would've sucked if anyone else could see it, but it was such a tiny muscle twitching that I'm positive it wasn't noticeable.
It was a fluttery feeling; kind of nice.
I guess it would've gotten annoying if it had gone on for too long, though.

04-18-2007, 09:06 PM
yeah it was annoying. at first i was okay. and it no one could see it. my friend would tease me about it saying it was;t, but i could feel it. i liked the feeling too at first actually, but after the first day i was done.

04-21-2007, 08:10 AM
I think this is anxiety related. Usually when Im very stressed out my upper lip to the left side will start twitching, shortly after my right eye does it. I have to cover it up with my hand if Im talking to someone cuz you can see it lol. Its been twitching like every 10 minutes, annoying.

05-01-2007, 08:58 AM
My left eye will twitch for days when I am highly stressed. Nothing that you can do about it. My doc just told me to get more sleep.

05-01-2007, 01:01 PM
If I'm feeling real low my mouth/chin feels really heavy, if I try to smile my mouth sometimes twitches, like if you try to lift a heavy weight when you can't so your arm jerks around? So I tend not to smile if I'm feeling real low.