View Full Version : Confused on what to do...

11-06-2012, 01:05 PM
Ok so as I read through these posts I see lots of ppl talking about disturbing or frightening thoughts and then the anxious feeling or panic that follows. Some advice given is to let the thoughts come and go, others say don't sit still because it keeps your mind focused on what's happening and makes it worse. So for me when the thoughts come if I don't fight them off they spiral into psycho feelings and thoughts that feels like they won't go away. But if I get up and do something I won't ever be able to handle my own mind if I'm not busy or preoccupied. So what the hell is the best to do? Allow myself these creepy ass thoughts or get up and get preoccupied?if I don't fight them off or occupy myself when I have them, are they supposed to eventually lose their power over me?

11-06-2012, 03:11 PM
Forwells is right you need to face them and accept them! Ask yourself what's the worst that will happen! Hopefully you can see the picture I've attached! It's a great tool I use when my thoughts start taking over! I probably wright this in ever thread but you should definitely try meditation!! It's worked wonders for me!! Good luck :)

11-06-2012, 05:03 PM
the more you run from it the more it chases you .

Sounds like an ex of mine.