View Full Version : Ekg, fear, pregnant, high anxiety

11-06-2012, 07:11 AM
I had an EKG about a year and a half ago which was normal. Since I found out I was pregnant (planned) I've noticed my heart racing almost constantly. My normal RHR is about 72-80. Now it's around 85-100. I have a lot of lower back pain and when it's relieved by laying down, my HR drops to 75-80. Can pain cause a higher hr? Also, I woke in the night again with a racing heart but when I checked my bp and pulse it was 114/68 pulse 80. I know that doesnt sound bad, but it felt bad and I'm used to having a hr in the high 60's right before I go to bed. I've become obsessed with checking my bp and pulse. I hate when I slump back into my anxiety. I was doing so incredibly well for 4 months and then it hit like a freight train. I'm scared that I can't physically carry this baby because my heart isn't strong enough to handle the changes. I'm scared this is going to kill me. Anxiety sucks. Plain and simple.

11-06-2012, 11:08 AM
When you're pregnant your heart works harder which results in a faster heart beat. I think it's pretty normal. I was like that also when I was pregnant

11-06-2012, 11:20 AM
Can pain cause higher hr? Absolutely yes. It also can increase your BP. It's all part of your bodies natural fight or flight response. Your body feels pain so your heart race increases as does your blood pressure, adrenaline increases all so that you can move quickly from the source of the pain. Unfortunately our bodies are not intelligent enough to work out that the pain is internal and therefore you can't move away from it. Your BP and HR are well, well, well, within normal limits. In fact I'd say you are fighting fit! DON'T keep checking your BP. If you really feel you need to DON'T do it more than once a week and only do it at the same time of day. Better still get rid of the BP machine and if you really need to get it checked, go to your doctors. By checking it too often you will only see the perfectly normal and healthy variations that occur naturally and you will get anxious.

11-06-2012, 04:26 PM
Well I went to my pcp and bless her heart. She is made of gold. I so wish she was my ob too. Anyway, the EKG came back normal rhythm and said I have a slightly elevated heart rate, but it's nothing to worry about. She said my heart will be faster now that I am pregnant. She comforted me and let me cry. Hormonal much?! 😜. Now to let my body be, and stop fighting the new changes. This is going to be such a challenge for me! Thank you both for your responses and words of encouragement. It helps so much!