View Full Version : Social anxiety at school

11-06-2012, 03:32 AM
Hi ive recently discovered my anxiety has been getting worse, but im terrified to tell me parents or a proffesional (yet im telling everyone on the internet haha) anxiety is terrible I panic at school, home, parties pretty much anywhere and its just gotten to a point where I cant put up with it anymore so if anyone has some advice they can give me for dealing with it particually at school that wouls e great!! :)

11-06-2012, 03:43 AM
Biggest advise is talk to someone!! Nobody can help you if you don't speak out and although we are all here to reassure and support you, there is nothing more we can do! Just tell your mom how your feeling and go to the doctors!! You have nothing to be ashamed of, I was so scared to tell anybody about my feelings and took for me to crack an be signed of work and house bound for weeks. The sooner you speak out the sooner you can start to get better! There are quick fixes, I would recommend doing some research on anxiety to get to understand it! X