View Full Version : sighhh

11-05-2012, 09:51 PM
It is my anxiety, i said i wasnt anxious anymore on a thread before this. But im wrong, i went to bed and woke up in the middle of the night sweating and heart pumping, anxious as if ive been running away from something and im like oh you little bastard, youre still here, you cant get me in the day, so here you are now reminding me youre still here.

Im just confused, the obsessive thoughts are there with flashes of images, but i dont feel the fear like i did before. Im just so confused, it that a way of my anxiety lurking?

Ive been stressful, because moving of house is not so much fun when you have to do the packing on your own and unpacking, and ny hubby well, hes working. Lets not talk about my hubby, hes just gonna upset me.

Anyways, if you have tjoughts about this and questions, pls do share, i wanna know like what is going on. Dont ask me to go ask my doc as he will just say its anxiety.

11-06-2012, 12:54 AM
It is just a build up of tension and anxiety! You should try meditation to clear your thoughts! Set aside a time each day not when your going to bed ( I do it at 6.30 every day) and if you have a smart phone download a guided meditation app. Just take 10-15 minutes to be at peace with your body and thoughts. I was having terrible nightmare until I started meditation and now they seem to be clearing. Don't let this affect your recovery just tell yourself you have been through alot of stress the past couple of weeks and your body is telling you that it's a little tired! Let me know how you get on x

11-06-2012, 12:55 AM
Anxiety morphs / changes / evolves over time.

You start out with a trauma or excessive worries which, at some point triggers fight or flight. Once fight or flight has been unearthed & triggered a few times... it becomes a regular occurance.

If you've never experienced fight or flight before, it is particularly horrific and so we panic.
The panic leads to a panick attacks which themselves also become regular.

After some time we learn what's happening so we're able to stop this panic... BUT... we're still left with regular fight or flight occurances.

F or F has now become SO regular that it pretty much becomes a normal part of EVERY DAY.
The smallest of anxieties / worries / fears / concerns / issues are now able to trigger F or F just as the initial trauma / major worry did that started it all in the first place.
This is the stage you're at.

Fight or flight is a dramatic / drastic / extreme event. It causes your nervous system to go haywire.

Forewells has mentioned it a few times... and I agree... this stage of the condition is more of a nervous disorder rather than an anxious or panicky one.
It seems to be well established within us and VERY hard to beat since, to cure it, it seems to mean that we have to rid ourselves of ALL (everyday) anxieties / worries / aches & pains which trigger F or F - which unless you're the type of person who can say "fuck it" / not give a toss about anything & be happy ALL the time... it aint gonna happen too easily.

11-06-2012, 09:44 AM
Pandora, my way of meditation is shopping, because thats the only time i have for me, being me, no kids, no hassle, no nothing. But i cant do that obviously everyday. Im not rich, i just stretch my buying instead of buying all at once, i buy it every other time. I wanna try yoga, but no one wants to go with me, making friends is not something i can afford to do atm.

What apps are using now?

11-06-2012, 09:48 AM
Dazza that makes a lot of sense. What am i to do now. Theres no way i can go f it all. Maybe i can just try to stay happy, which well sucks because again, having a workaholic partner really sucks. Thanks dazza!

11-06-2012, 02:39 PM
My favourite apps are 'the mindfulness app' 'headspace' and 'breath to relax' there is also one called 'panic attacks' where a guy who suffered from anxiety and panic attacks for 14 years 'AND RECOVERED' helps you understand what your body is going through! I completely get what you mean about shopping, I love it to it gives you such a boost! But I haven't felt as great as I do now and strongly believe that is because of the mindfulness app! It can be just 3 minutes if you don't have long and afterwords I feel really refreshed and it almost give me a bit of fight again! You really just need to believe that you can get better! Get some self help books. I know how hard it is and I can believe I'm so positive when two weeks ago I felt like there was just no point but the book I've just read really opened my eyes to the fact that my thoughts and body are just bluffing me! You body can do so many things when it's tired! I really hope you'll try the apps and have the same result I have x