View Full Version : Life fell apart last year, slowly getting back on track (with stress and anxiety)

11-05-2012, 09:21 PM
I have recently been struggling with some almost constant anxiety and what seems to be an over-acting "fight or flight" response. Everything I do, I get palpitations and just that general chest discomfort associated with anxiety. I have had a very stressful year in college, and got a very demanding job which I have left - thank god.

However, the reason I think my anxiety and stress has been constant lately is because late last year, around October, my world fell apart. I broke up with a partner who I had been with for about 2 years, and had a "falling out" with a best friend. I was beginning college in January of the next year, where I would see this good friend and be reminded of what happened every day. It was very, very painful and I spent months between the end of last year and beginning of this year at home, feeling very depressed and lost. It was only in about May when me and my best friend patched up our problems, and I recently had a conversation with my ex, and we are now on good terms. The end of 2011 and most of 2012 have been a stressful year, but from April-May things became very rewarding and after about 6-7 months of depression things looked up for me in many ways, so I must say this year has been positive and re-assuring. I got a good job and am doing well at college - coming up to a lengthy break soon.

However, despite the fact that I am happy again, I've noticed quite severe anxiety creep up on me and average things have become less easier to handle than they used to be before my life went off balance. I notice myself getting stressed easily, and this very frequent chest discomfort due to what I believe is anxiety is annoying. I do find moments where I am calm however I seem to think about the anxiety and the awful chest discomfort, and surely it comes back.

I don't really think I need to go on medication because it is slowly decreasing. However it is a big burden when I do have it. There were stressful weeks this year where it just wouldn't go away. Does anyone have any tips, relating experiences or just general knowledge on the situation?

P.S. sorry the post is so long but I think that element of back story is helpful in understanding what may have brought it on

11-06-2012, 12:50 AM
I'm just like that I find little things really get to me! If you go online and search tips for anxiety there are loads of things. Let me know if you can see the picture attached that I use. If not no will send you the link. It's great for taking control of situations when you feel anxious

11-06-2012, 01:01 AM
^ There seems to be a lot of useful things in Pandoras box! :-)

Good post.

I just said this on another thread... it rings 100% with your post & I'm sure you can relate directly with it:

Anxiety morphs / changes / evolves over time.

You start out with a trauma or excessive worries which, at some point triggers fight or flight. Once fight or flight has been unearthed & triggered a few times... it becomes a regular occurance.

If you've never experienced fight or flight before, it is particularly horrific and so we panic.
The panic leads to a panick attacks which themselves also become regular.

After some time we learn what's happening so we're able to stop this panic... BUT... we're still left with regular fight or flight occurances.

F or F has now become SO regular that it pretty much becomes a normal part of EVERY DAY.
The smallest of anxieties / worries / fears / concerns / issues are now able to trigger F or F just as the initial trauma / major worry did that started it all in the first place.
This is the stage you're at.

Fight or flight is a dramatic / drastic / extreme event. It causes your nervous system to go haywire.

Forewells has mentioned it a few times... and I agree... this stage of the condition is more of a nervous disorder rather than an anxious or panicky one.
It seems to be well established within us and VERY hard to beat since, to cure it, it seems to mean that we have to rid ourselves of ALL (everyday) anxieties / worries / aches & pains which trigger F or F - which unless you're the type of person who can say "fuck it" / not give a toss about anything & be happy ALL the time... it aint gonna happen too easily.

11-06-2012, 03:45 AM
Thanks guys! I knew this was what was going on with me. I did a fair bit of research. Thanks Pandora, that link did work!

It's so hard to not overreact with this fight or flight. Hopefully I can get through it. I think I'll have to cut a few things out of my life first

11-06-2012, 04:04 AM
I think I'll have to cut a few things out of my life first

Oh, like what? The bottle of vodka every night? the cross-dressing? picking fights with random people in supermarkets?