View Full Version : Deadlines, and commitments...

11-05-2012, 05:39 PM
Hey everyone

I have recently come to the realization that whenever I commit to something, or have a deadline, I freeze. By that I mean I literally can't think of anything else, yet feel completely incapable of taking action. So I'm stuck in a kind of limbo state where I experience nothing sort of mental torture, because I know inaction will have damaging results, yet somehow feel completely incapable of undertaken the task. It doesn't matter how big or small the task is, nor how easy it would normally be for me to complete.

Has anyone had any experience like this, and found a way to deal with it? Atm all that happens is I barely make, the result is terrible, and it keeps on going like that until I break down and go into seclusion.

11-06-2012, 01:36 AM
Probably a few on here could relate to various degrees of severity. I think there's a common personality trait here.

Best thing to do is PLAN the task... on paper. Make a project plan if you like... with "to do's" and their respective timescales.
Then... simply follow that plan!

11-06-2012, 01:36 AM
Johnny-come-lately!, lol

11-06-2012, 03:27 AM
You just have to force yourself to do it, Johnny!

I basically force myself to complete tasks (usually left to the last minute) and then when I finish them, or spend a good couple of hours making headway on aforementioned tasks, I reward myself with a treat.

Unlike my pet dog, this has failed to condition me into doing my work on time, but it does help me get through the work when it all stacks up on top of me.

11-06-2012, 03:54 AM
You just have to force yourself to do it, Johnny!

I basically force myself to complete tasks (usually left to the last minute) and then when I finish them, or spend a good couple of hours making headway on aforementioned tasks, I reward myself with a treat.

Unlike my pet dog, this has failed to condition me into doing my work on time, but it does help me get through the work when it all stacks up on top of me.

A treat! how lovely... lol. What kinda treet? a small, chocolate button? :-D