View Full Version : Meeting

11-05-2012, 04:41 PM
Does any one else struggle with meetings, sitting in rooms with people, standing in queues etc. if so how do you deal with it?? I get so anxious in these situation. Any advise would be appreciated

11-05-2012, 07:10 PM
I have this. It's hard, and I'm still working on it, but I ask myself what the issue is, I ask myself if there is anything I can do about it right now, the answer is always no. Then I tell myself that now is not the time for this, I will set aside half an hour later to think about it. I find that self reassurance and rationalising the situation, or attempting to, generally makes me feel like I'm back in control of the situation, I call the shots here.

11-06-2012, 12:45 AM
Thanks for the response. That's what I do too but sometimes it just overwhelms me. I get very fidgety and have to remove my self.

11-06-2012, 01:32 AM
How old are you? (if you don't mind me asking)

I used to struggle with meetings until I matured. I'm not saying you're immature... I'm simply saying that as you get older you naturally gain confidence and leave behind certain anxieties which plagued your earlier years.

11-06-2012, 02:09 AM
I'm 20, but the thing is I've always been very confident and in the near 3 years I've worked for this company I've had plenty of meeting and been fine it just seems that since my anxiety struck I find that having to sit somewhere makes me very anxious! To the point I have to leave! How did you deal with it xx

11-06-2012, 03:56 AM
I'm 20, but the thing is I've always been very confident and in the near 3 years I've worked for this company I've had plenty of meeting and been fine it just seems that since my anxiety struck I find that having to sit somewhere makes me very anxious! To the point I have to leave! How did you deal with it xx

Woohooo! TWO kisses... I've pulled ;-)

Oh.. wait... you don't have any cold sores do you? <looks anxious>

How did I deal with it? errrmmm... I didn't, basically. I just accepted I was shy and that was that.

xx < on the cheek

11-06-2012, 04:04 AM
Lol that made me chuckle!! But I'm not shy that's what's so frustrating I just hate sitting there! So weird xxxxxxxx < lol