View Full Version : panic attack? get some ice

11-05-2012, 02:30 PM
okay this sounds odd but whenever i have a panic attack, like the full on episode (absolutely crazy pounding heart, dizziness, shortness of breath and severe irrationality) i first of all jump up and start running around like mad. then i go for my freezer and grab an ice cube and rub it against my forehead, temples and wrists. and for whatever reason my panic attack suddenly doesnt seem as bad. i just kind of forget about it cause of the cold and the running around. i used to just lie in bed when i was having a panic attack. too afraid and focused on the attack to even consider moving about. doing that isn't gona make it go away at all cause you'll just be focusing on it the entire them which will only feed it with more fear. you gotta just distract yourself asap! splash ice cold water on your face, go for a run, start singing really loudly etc etc. do something stupid that will make you laugh and try not to take the panic attack so seriously e.g omg im gona die!! help!! .. NO! this will encourage the panic to get worse.
try it next time! the ice cube thing really works for me.

oh and.. when i wanna relax this is amazing.


put on both at the same time, close your eyes and chill. amazing. especially cause i live in a country where it rains like twice a year, the sound of rain makes me feel soooo peaceful and nostalgic. just feels good.

11-05-2012, 02:46 PM
I'm in Seattle so it rains.. alot.

Regardless though, what a kick ass combo!! :)

Going to try this out!

11-05-2012, 04:43 PM
That's actually the worst thing you can do! You are developing a behavioural pattern!! What happens when you can't jump up and down or you don't have ice? Sitting back and allowing the feelings to come an to accept them face them and tell yourself it's just anxiety is the best thing to do! Gradually you will stop fearing the feelings x

11-05-2012, 07:21 PM
Those are great!!!!!! I will definitely bookmark those, especially the rain website!!! Thanks for sharing!

11-06-2012, 01:50 PM
it works for me because when i have a panic attack in public or out and about then i generally don't freak out as much as i do when i'm all alone cause i'll just be completely focused on the attack. when i'm having an attack at the mall for example i'll go frantic for a few mins then it just dies down.. i have different methods for different situations :p but yeah i do accept them and face them, the ice just helps it along.. and laughing and doing silly things just helps me not take it so seriously. i try to laugh at it.. dont want to be so scared anymore

11-07-2012, 12:56 PM
for me it's definitely to do with your brain focusing on things.. i have a major phobia of going on public buses so every time i do have to get on the bus i make sure i have my nintendo ds with me and play a game that really requires my full attention and the time just flies and i dont feel anxious at all. whereas if i was just sitting there, i'd just panic thinking of possible escape routes..