View Full Version : Headaches

11-05-2012, 11:49 AM
I have had a headache for 2 weeks now, that doesn't seem to be going away! The head ache can go right at the top of my head, and down into my temples and above my eyes! The headache gets worse when I look down, I move my head etc ...
Just wondering is this anxiety or could it be a bug / sinus infection?? Ashton's else get this ?

11-05-2012, 12:35 PM
Omg I have the same exact problem going on! I was freaked out thinking it was something serious

11-05-2012, 12:45 PM
I wonder if its another sign of anxiety I don't really know but it's awful I've had it for ages now!!

11-05-2012, 04:57 PM
A few weeks back I was getting really weird tingling sensation in my left temple and it happened so often that eventually I just knew yep this is just a symptom of anxiety. Then it started to ache on the right side and gradually moved to my whole forehead. I was suffering excruciating headaches daily for around 2 weeks my anxiety increased because of this until I got sent home from work in a real state. I felt very depressed and even considered ending my life. I booked in for an emergency GP appointment and my anxiety took over again, she checked my vitals but I was sure it was something else, a brain tumour maybe.

Anyway, I couldn't sit in the room and had to leave, I had an emergency team come out to me and explain that these sensations were simply tension. Which I must say I do notice holding my shoulder up at my ears and I clench my jaw quite a lot. Following the appointment I've been looking into self help books and meditation! I have found a great app called mindfulness! And I have not had a headache for over a week. The tingling is still there but no where near as bad as it was! I completely get how frightened you must be!! I was petrified! But believe me, if you try some self help and meditation it will start to subside!! X