View Full Version : Introduction

11-05-2012, 09:41 AM
Hey y'all, my name is Jessica and I'm a 22 year old senior in college. I've struggled with social and general anxiety all my life and its only escalated since my fiancé deployed to Afghanistan 7 months ago. I also suffer from PTSD and depression. I look forward to reading everyone's posts!

11-05-2012, 07:56 PM
It's a pleasure. My names ashley. My brother deployed not long ago as well. If you need anything let me know!^_^

11-06-2012, 06:16 AM
Heyy, I'm new too :) would be great to have someone to talk to so feel free to message me x

11-07-2012, 06:08 AM
Hey I'm new too, :0)

11-07-2012, 06:09 AM
Hey y'all, my name is Jessica and I'm a 22 year old senior in college. I've struggled with social and general anxiety all my life and its only escalated since my fiancé deployed to Afghanistan 7 months ago. I also suffer from PTSD and depression. I look forward to reading everyone's posts!

Hey my husband was in the army for 12 yrs so I COMPLETLY understand how it feels, I never ha anxiety whilst he was in then as soon as he led 18 months ago it started,
Hope ur ok, feel free to get in touch x

11-07-2012, 09:05 AM
Hi, Im new too. Welcome!