View Full Version : ok so im worried !

11-05-2012, 07:17 AM
I have been having a lot of tension headaches & I am really worried there could be something else going on like a tumor, ;(

11-05-2012, 07:37 AM
Headaches are one of the last symptoms with regards to tumours. I visited the hospital due to bad headaches and also dizziness which i'd had for weeks without relent. But the liklihood of a tension headache being anything more than an anxiety related symptom is very very slight. Lot's of other functions such as memory, cognitive functions, movement, speech etc will be greatly affected by a brain tumour.

Anxiety related headaches can strike anywhere. Mine were mainly the base of the skull or around the temple area. Then again I've had some that feel like they're behind my eyes. Just remember to drink plenty of water. Try not to cave in and take pain killers all day everyday because it might not be so helpful in the long run and could provoke headaches. If they've lasted more than 7 days or so perhaps visit the doctor. They'll fell around on your head and ask if there's any spot where there is severe pain when touched.

But as I said, the liklihood is that its all anxiety related. It's so hard to realize at times, just how real, and sometimes, excruciatingly painful anxiety pains can be.

Hang in there.


11-05-2012, 09:49 AM
What about an aneurism? I'm sorry I'm just so scared,

11-05-2012, 10:11 AM
The problem is, the anxiety and then the symptoms will feed off the worry. When you are worried you get anxious. But when you worry about the what if's and when those what if's are life threatening your body is going to be firing on all cylinders and anxiety will be at an all time high. The whole fight or flight response to anxiety is perceived danger that we've conjured up with our over-active imaginations and self destructive paranoid thinking. When we think we're going to die or have some sort of severe illness, our body is going to be going beserk and firing off all sorts of symptoms.

The thing about an aneurism, much like a stroke, is that you would know for damn sure that it's not something normal. I'm talking about a headache so bad it feels like someone had literally just smacked you upside the head. Whilst anxiety related pains, or headaches in general can really knock you for six, i'm sure it won't be anything more than a tension headache. That's not to belittle how bad a headache can hurt, sometimes you feel like you can't really cope with being awake, but then it hurts so much you simply can't sleep.

If the worry is getting this bad ring the doctors tomorrow. Book an emergency appointment so you can chat to your GP then and there tomorrow morning sometime. I'm sure they'll confirm it, it's an anxiety related headache and the worry and fretting will only add fuel to the fire.

It's very hard to say simply try not to worry about it. In fact, admitting and accepting these symptoms are anxiety and nothing more is the first step and also the hardest step. No need to apologize though, it's difficult some days coping with anxiety related pains. I really hope you feel better soon.