View Full Version : Ugh, not a good start to my morning

11-05-2012, 05:56 AM
So, I woke up with a slight pain my jaw....nothing extreme, but I still noticed it. Then I started feeling pressure/slight pain in my left arm. Now, I'm not sure if the latter was caused by my growing anxiety due to the slight discomfort I felt in my jaw, or if its legitimate. I'm not having any other pain, like chest pain, but I AM starting to feel like this could descend into a total panic attack. I am doing all of my meditation type exercises to calm myself, but honestly,one of my big worries is always heart attack. Here's a background: I had 2 abnormal EKGs, nothing extreme, but due to my anxiety, I was referred to a cardiologist. He said I didn't have risk factors for heart disease (weight is controlled, bp is contolled with meds, 34 at the time, no heart disease in my immediate family, etc) but he said that because of my extreme anxiety, he would give me a cardiac stress test. Everything came back totally healthy, and the doctor said for me not to worry about my heart. That was 2 years ago. I don't think I could develop anything major within two years, but now I'm worrying about cholesterol and clogged arteries....I know two years ago, my cholesteral was ok, but leaning towards the high side, but at that time, the doc wasn't worried about it at all. I have been trying to eat better,less salt, less fat, etc.... But I am still constantly worried about my heart......

11-05-2012, 06:24 AM
Heart beat, and breathing would be irregular if there was any sort of impending heart attack. Plus you couldn't really move your arms due to a lot of pain. Plus the pain starts in the chest and radiates to the arm and jaw etc.

Heart fears are experienced by a lot of people with anxiety. I guess just continue to try and change your diet and perhaps take up some form of regular exercise. It'll all help in the long run.


11-05-2012, 07:08 AM
Thanks Ed, I didn't know that it would start as chest pain, then descend out to jaw and arms. That does make me desk a little better. I think perhaps I may of slept wrong on my left side last night. Perhaps that is causing the discomfort.

11-05-2012, 07:33 AM
Well the worry will lead to anxiety and perceived danger and then the brain will switch on to fight or flight mode. Fill your body full of adrenaline filled blood. That'll cause virtually any anxiety related pain going. A lot of people get chest pain cos blood gets directed to the chest to protect vital ograns from impacts and to the arms and legs for the whole "fight or flight". So when there is no danger other than perceived health anxiety and our over-active imaginations thinking about heart attacks or cancer or whatever else we can think of our brain is constantly looking for danger, constantly filling us with adrenaline and being on edge. It's no wonder we get muscle pains.

I've had virtually every pain going these past 18 months. Sharp sudden pains or dull-moderate long lasting pains. It's certainly a testing situation. have you thought about discussing the possibility of starting CBT? Your doctor should be able to write up a referral letter for you. It'll help get the ball rolling.


11-05-2012, 11:49 AM
Here's my problem, I already see a therapist, but she's not certified in CBT. There are no registered CBT counselors that are accepted by my insurance in my area. I tried to file a claim to go out of network to use the one lady in my area through my insurance, but it waa rejected. Hmmm.......way to go insurance.....lol.
I've purchased CBT workbooks, and talk things through with my current therapist, but that's about it.....