View Full Version : Effexor withdrawl, and waiting for disability.. please help me

11-04-2012, 08:26 PM
sooo i have been on effexor for about 3 months now.... i am on my third day without any at all. my vission is shaky, i cant concentrate on a god damn thing, im getting hot flashes and all i can do is eat. im going insane... well more insane i guess.

this is all happening to me because masshealth/disability has put my insurrance on hold because disability still has not made a decision as to weather or not i qualify for benifits. now i do not understand why the hell they would keep me from getting my anxiety/depression meds... i dont know what to do, i cant function at all. i have had two evaluations and very impatiently waiting for them to decided if i am fucked up enough or not. i applied in april, and my anxiety is getting worse and worse, i cant even see my therapist. it crushing me. im helpless and hopeless. please someone help me....