View Full Version : Smoking/anxiety

11-04-2012, 04:52 PM
Anyone on here that suffers from general anxiety a smoker?

11-04-2012, 05:07 PM

I want to give up, but I can't find the motivation.

Smoking is now causing me anxiety, since I'm constantly thinking "MUST GIVE THIS SHIT UP..." then go outside for a ciggy... then feel guilty about it.

Wish I could just flick a switch :-/

11-04-2012, 05:44 PM
Same here! Glad to hear I am not alone! I seem to avoid other things that make me anxious but not smoking!

11-04-2012, 05:59 PM
Then why not take some steps to give up?

Unlike you guys, I don't really suffer from anxiety in relation to my smoking. I use it as a crutch when I get anxious instead. I tend to employ the magical thinking approach: 'I'm just a light smoker, it won't happen to me'.

Recently I have taken steps to quit. I downloaded an application, set a quit date (December 1st) and have stuck to my smoking targets. I'm currently allowed to smoke 8 cigarettes a day from my maximum of 15, but have actually cut down to 2/3 a day. It isn't that hard and it feels quite good. I have already saved well over $100 in just 3 weeks as I have gone from buying 3/4 packs a week to just one.

It feels good to succeed beyond my goal. I can't wait to real the effects of being a non smoker!

11-04-2012, 06:01 PM
Same here! Glad to hear I am not alone! I seem to avoid other things that make me anxious but not smoking!

yeah but just because others are in the same boat... it doesnt make the situation better.
If you're gonna carry on smoking... at least go for LIGHTS ciggys & eat well (in particular lots of fruit / vit-c & oily fish) to at least partially combat the effects of smoking!

11-05-2012, 01:25 AM
Smoking raises heart rate and therefore your body will perceive the usual anxiety danger signs. That, along with guilt about smoking and worry about posible future health implications tends to dissolve any enjoyment from smoking. At least for me it did. I was a stoner for 7 years. For the past 2+ years I felt guilty every time I smoked and thankfully i've quit.


11-05-2012, 01:27 AM
I blame smoking weed for me getting anxiety, I cut it out and they started to take over my life! I now smoke fags but would never touch a drug again!

11-05-2012, 01:38 AM
I blame smoking weed for me getting anxiety, I cut it out and they started to take over my life! I now smoke fags but would never touch a drug again!

Careful with the use of the word "FAG"... it means summink different in America, pmsl

Well done Laura!

I read it time and again that WEED is to blame for people's anxiety. Doesn't surprise me at all.

Drugs are badddd for youuuuu M'KAYYYY!

11-05-2012, 01:49 AM
Whoops well it doesn't mean anything other than cigarette in the UK! I think being stoned allowed me to think more and it started with what I used to call funny feelings every time I smoked it but gradually after I have up they came at all different times! I wish I new the things it could do to you before I started smoking it

11-05-2012, 03:10 AM
I smoked weed from 13 to 16 and I can definately say is causes anxiety that lasts well after you've quit, it can cause more serious mental health problems (and I seriously believe that) its and all round bad drugs, I'd say it was worse than heroin, go to any smack head and ask his what drug he started on, all know what the answer is.
I started at 13, got to 16 and remember telling my mate while stoned 'I don't even like this feeling' next day I quit and never looked back. My anxiety symptoms cleared up within 3 months.
(They're back now though lol)

11-05-2012, 03:12 AM
I think anyone who smokes weed regularly will get to the point where it's no longer enjoyable. It's good to quit at that point before anxiety and depression get a chance to take over.


11-05-2012, 03:22 AM
I completely agree, my mum smoked it for 15 years, including when she was pregnant with me, for some reason she only suffered with depression the majority of that time but at some point she developed schitzophrenia, I fully believe the weed and a certain amount of stress brought that, especially because she was diagnosed at 31 which is quite an old age to be diagnosed as symptoms usually present themselves in the late teens..
Anyway I'm a smoker! (Not drugs obviously lol) I'm a cigarette smoker and notice a rise in my anxiety everytime I smoke, I want to quit but its too bloody hard! I get bored then smoke lol I need something to occupy myself with!