View Full Version : blocked nose symptom?

11-04-2012, 09:02 AM
blocked nose and shortness of breath during the night.. =_=
my anxiety seems to always creep in in the evenings and i'll get a blocked nose and feel realllyyyy cold and have shortness of breath.
my nose starts running too and this whole episode will last for a couple of hours and then go.
anyone else relate to this?

11-04-2012, 09:05 AM
Allergic to feathers? (like... in your pillow)

It's common... just a thought.

11-04-2012, 09:30 AM
my pillows don't have feathers in them..
i do have a pretty hectic allergy to dust though. maybe it's a sign that i should clean my room hahah

11-04-2012, 10:07 AM
my pillows don't have feathers in them..
i do have a pretty hectic allergy to dust though. maybe it's a sign that i should clean my room hahah

HAH! quite possibly... it's when you have to step over 20 empty donner kebab wrappers to get to your bed that you know it's time for a clean up... pmsl

Sounds like an allergy to me, although why at night... hmmmm... does it happen in a particular location?

Only other thing is that the immune system slows down at night... leaving gaps for bacteria to creep in.
It's not unusual to get cold symptoms when down, but then the symptoms completely dissappear in the morning after a good kip.

11-04-2012, 10:45 AM
i got a bit over excited cause im moving and i tend to get anxious when i am excited. i've read that when the body is anxious blood is directed towards vital organs leaving the other bits (hands,feet,nose etc) cold.. maybe thats why? i duno. it's stopped now. my breathings back to normal and my nose is unblocked.
feeling super sleepy now though.
i'll just hit the sack i guess

11-04-2012, 01:27 PM
I Do Get Blocked Nose on a daily bases especially at night I also get shortness of breath along with it. Its pretty common with Me