View Full Version : I get really confusing when I'm anxious

11-04-2012, 02:35 AM
Recently I got a job at a place where I have to sometimes explain things to people and the things that I'm explaining I can't seem to find the easy way to explain. I mean sometimes I even sit at home when I'm not anxious and I try to think of ways that I could explain to the customer what they need to know but i can't even do that because it's just really difficult to remember what you thought of at home when you're panicking. I become nervous and I go through my normal symptoms I stop breathing correctly I lose eye contact with the customer and I get tongue-tied and they're thinking wtf. I'm beginning to think that maybe I'm just a confusing person and it's not just my anxiety I'm not sure.. Anyone else feel like they're really confusing sometimes? I feel like I just confused you all with this lol

11-04-2012, 02:59 AM
All the time! Brain is slow in reacting. And worst part is, i cant remember stuffs. I have books and notes all over the place just to remind me.

11-04-2012, 03:54 AM
I get that too, I end up looking like an idiot which just makes it even harder!

11-04-2012, 04:50 AM
I'm the same! I forget things so often. Things right in front of me, or tasks that I complete at the same time everyday. I seem like such a ditz at work sometimes.

11-04-2012, 05:28 AM
I always drop stuff too or knock something over at least once a day!

11-04-2012, 05:40 AM
I always drop stuff too or knock something over at least once a day!

I think this is a woman thing, actually... women tend to be less spatially aware than men.

A survey recently revealed that women admitted they couldn't park their car very well. AT LAST... you admit it!!!!!!!!!! :-D

11-04-2012, 05:41 AM
I think this is a woman thing, actually... women tend to be less spatially aware than men.

A survey recently revealed that women admitted they couldn't park their car very well. AT LAST... you admit it!!!!!!!!!! :-D

Bahaha this just made my night.

11-04-2012, 05:42 AM
... oh, and another reason for it is because women are always thinking about fluffy things, like kittens and knitting, lol... they aren't concentrating on what they're doing.

This picture has WOMAN written all over it:



11-04-2012, 05:46 AM
I can't drive at all! I'm more of a puppies kinda gal and knitting does not appeal to me at all!

11-04-2012, 05:48 AM
Recently I got a job at a place where I have to sometimes explain things to people and the things that I'm explaining I can't seem to find the easy way to explain. I mean sometimes I even sit at home when I'm not anxious and I try to think of ways that I could explain to the customer what they need to know but i can't even do that because it's just really difficult to remember what you thought of at home when you're panicking. I become nervous and I go through my normal symptoms I stop breathing correctly I lose eye contact with the customer and I get tongue-tied and they're thinking wtf. I'm beginning to think that maybe I'm just a confusing person and it's not just my anxiety I'm not sure.. Anyone else feel like they're really confusing sometimes? I feel like I just confused you all with this lol

Nothin' unusual about this to be honest.

Most people are inherently CRAP at public interaction, including speeches, talks, presentations or even just one-to-one small talk.

In your case, you've probably chosen the wrong job if you're not good at such interaction.
This is partly why I chose to be an electronics designer / programmer... so most the time I'm doing what I excel at... designing, without dealing with the half witt public :-)

11-04-2012, 05:49 AM
I can't drive at all!

For the general publics sake... keep it this way pmsl

Would you consider yourself a Tom-boy, Jhunter69?

11-04-2012, 05:51 AM
I would really like to be able to though :(

89! Darren. Yep I'm not girly at all. Won't catch me in a dress!

Knitting for old ladies anyway ;)

11-04-2012, 06:11 AM
Cos I have the app on my phone I have to actually go onto the website to see the pics u post, dazza, most annoying!