View Full Version : shame....

04-15-2007, 07:21 AM
those anyone else ever feel ashamed? like if people knew that you suffer from the things you suffer from that they would look down on you, or discrimnate you, or dislike you?

i think the reason i feel ashamed is b/c my mom has always talked negativly about people with this kinds of problems. my mom, well (i have mensioned this in a couple of other posts) she had a pill abuse problem, she ahs periods when she is really zonked out on pills, they last a few weeks. and i'm the oldest of 3 siblings, so when she was heavly medicated i would be the one to take care of my siblings and i would fight with her about her problem, and at moments like that she is really mean, teying to use whatever she can against me. So i have avoided telling her. she knows about my depression and xmas 2005 she slamed it in my face.

but i have told someone though. lik close friends. and i have learned to be more open about mom and her prob. i used to be so ashamed of it, and so scared that people would find out and hold it against me or look down on me b/c of it.

does anyone else feel ashamed? and scared to tell any one?


V for Victor
04-15-2007, 08:06 AM
There are people out there who, unfortunately, are not very sympathetic to the kinds of problems we have. They don't understand, and they just assume we're being immature, looking for attention, or making excuses not do things, etc.

However, society as a whole has accepted that there are such things as anxiety disorders and there is plenty of help.

As far as feeling ashamed, I don't think anybody should feel ashamed. I'm not saying you should be proud of it either, I'm just saying we should all step up and face our problems.

It's not your fault that you have anxiety/depression. Anybody who says otherwise is lying or uneducated about the condition.

Once I confided in my close friends, I felt much better. It has never been a problem for me to discuss these things with my doctor, because she needs to know, and we're there to fix it.

04-15-2007, 08:39 AM
Hi Kitten,

Yeah, I do have a lot of shame - for as long as I can remember. Mostly because I've always felt defective, even before I learned there was a name for it. When I'm around other people, I just try my best to appear normal until I can get out of the situation. What's the alternative? You can't tell someone - "sorry, I can't go to your party because I have social anxiety". I guess I do feel ashamed for being different. I feel much better about myself when I talk to someone who has experienced the same things that I have - guess that's why I'm here. Sorry, guess that's not much help. I should just shut up now.

04-15-2007, 02:12 PM
neverbeenright: no that was helpful!

V for Victor: yeah it does help talking to people about it :) i have some rally good freidns i can talk to. 2 of them have anxiety themselves.