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11-03-2012, 08:30 PM
Hi after lurking for a while I thought it was time to say hi!!! So here I am. A little background about 7 years ago I had my first panic attack while shopping with my 2 year old at Target. I felt very uneasy as if I could faint. Since this was new to me I was scared since I had my daughter. I stopped a lady shopping and told her I was feeling sick and might be having a panic attack. I'm not sure what she said but I only talked to her less then a minute and went on to check out all the while nervous. I went home called my husband In tears and went to the drs and got an EKG. Yes I was fine. I think it was stress related as we were moving and nobody wanted to move. Currently I'm not in any therapy and take Xanax .25 as needed but try positive thinking but I avoid many situations. More about that later as my iPad is acting up and I can't see what I'm typing anymore!! Thank you


11-03-2012, 08:49 PM
What type of symptoms see you suffering from now?

11-03-2012, 09:09 PM
I often feel unsteady on my feel like I could fall over when walking, my heart races, I get sweaty I feel detached at times. I'm trying to make myself stay in situations to prove to myself that there is nothing to fear.

11-03-2012, 09:53 PM
Im sorry your feeling that. The same thing happen to me while i was driving in the freeway i was with my 3 year old and my 4 year old i was scared i was gna die and my grls in the car with me. Im now scared to drive and go out alone. Is scary thing but i have to get over it :(