View Full Version : Exercise and Anxiety

Kelly C
11-03-2012, 01:59 PM
I posted a few days ago and didn't hear much back...

I was wondering if physical tiredness the day after strenuous exercise can increase anxiety symptoms?

Recently I have managed to start kitesurfing again after 4 months off (due to having keyhole surgery and having IBS symptoms which made me loose a lot of weight). The day after kitesurfing I feel very physically drained, muscles are sore etc on these days I feel terrible with regards to my anxiety, for some reason I am a lot more worried and panicky.

11-03-2012, 02:55 PM
I've always find when I exercise, immediately after I feel great because all that unused adrenaline has been pumped put but I think we generally are more sensitised to physical sensations. I'm trying a new technique of accepting feelings not fighting them and letting time pass and it seems to be working. From research I've found that the more we worry and try to fight the feelings the worse we feel! Relax and tell your self, IT'S OK, I have done some excessive and that's why I feel achey today xx

11-03-2012, 06:58 PM
Hey Kelly,

I feel the same sometimes also, not only with exercise, but late nights at work also. I think the exhaustion mentally drains me and so I'm more prone to feeling anxious the following day. Eating lots of fruit and taking multi vitamins always helps me through that part though :)

11-04-2012, 01:42 AM
Since you said that you hadn't gone out kitesurfing in about four months and lost some weight your body was probably very tired/sore and needed to repair itself if you hadn't been active recently because it simply wasn't used to that type of activity. This would cause you to feel very exhausted the next day and (maybe?) more prone to anxiety because your body was exhausted and needed to recover. Though, I can only speak on the physical aspect because I am an avid weightlifter and have helped train many people.

Personally I find that I generally feel great while I'm at the gym and after I get done at the gym or from running. Maybe you could start a workout regime if you don't kitesurf every 3 or 4 days. I'm sure that it would really help with the exhaustion. However, I'm sure that your body will adapt and your exhaustion will definitely be less as you continue going surfing if you do it often enough. If your exhaustion is indeed allowing the anxiety to creep in easier it should get better as your body adapts to you kite surfing again. I'm not sure about kitesurfing, but I would think it would ask a lot of your bicep, back, and leg muscles, so making sure you're eating properly, notably enough protein, and you will really help limit your aches, pains, and exhaustion the next day.