View Full Version : stomach issues cause anxiety symptoms

11-03-2012, 11:21 AM
hey guys,

i've noticed a clear link between the food i eat and the way i feel after a meal. since my anxiety kicked in again my stomach has become so hyper sensitive.
the stomach, heart and brain are connected. signals of distress go from the brain to the heart and to the stomach. When i'm having high levels of anxiety i ALWAYS get temporary bouts of IBS (stomach cramps, nausea after eating and diarrhea).
Also i noticed that when i have dairy products i feel super full and generally feel unwell. so i did an experiment where i stopeed eating dairy for a few days. i didn't get any nausea after meals. then i had a glass of milk and some ice cream and as predicted, i got bloated and had diarrhea. I've probably developed a lactose intolerance. but my point is, it's the food i eat that gives me anxiety.
another experiment i did was with oily and spicy foods. i noticed that i'd always get PVC's after a big meal or a particularly oily and spicy meal. I'm guessing this is all in connection with the Vagus nerve. to stimulate it i inhale through my nose, hold my breath for 5 seconds and then slowwwwllyyyyy exhale through my mouth through a small opening in my mouth like keep the lips almost closed together.
if the PVC's are causing you anxiety, drink lots of water and watch what you eat. avoid eating too many spicy and oily junk food. once you understand that the vagus nerve plays a role in all this and that it's just doing it's job then you will definitely feel peace of mind. because the scariest thing about PVC's is the fact that you don't know whats causing them and why! you've done all the heart tests a hundred times so why are they still happening? fix your diet and your lifestyle.

11-03-2012, 01:41 PM
Thanks for highlighting that. Come to think of it, I often have stomach issues when experiencing bouts of anxiety. I wonder if there's a food stuff that can do the opposite and calm it down

11-03-2012, 02:19 PM
hey guys,

i've noticed a clear link between the food i eat and the way i feel after a meal. since my anxiety kicked in again my stomach has become so hyper sensitive.
the stomach, heart and brain are connected. signals of distress go from the brain to the heart and to the stomach. When i'm having high levels of anxiety i ALWAYS get temporary bouts of IBS (stomach cramps, nausea after eating and diarrhea).
Also i noticed that when i have dairy products i feel super full and generally feel unwell. so i did an experiment where i stopeed eating dairy for a few days. i didn't get any nausea after meals. then i had a glass of milk and some ice cream and as predicted, i got bloated and had diarrhea. I've probably developed a lactose intolerance. but my point is, it's the food i eat that gives me anxiety.
another experiment i did was with oily and spicy foods. i noticed that i'd always get PVC's after a big meal or a particularly oily and spicy meal. I'm guessing this is all in connection with the Vagus nerve. to stimulate it i inhale through my nose, hold my breath for 5 seconds and then slowwwwllyyyyy exhale through my mouth through a small opening in my mouth like keep the lips almost closed together.
if the PVC's are causing you anxiety, drink lots of water and watch what you eat. avoid eating too many spicy and oily junk food. once you understand that the vagus nerve plays a role in all this and that it's just doing it's job then you will definitely feel peace of mind. because the scariest thing about PVC's is the fact that you don't know whats causing them and why! you've done all the heart tests a hundred times so why are they still happening? fix your diet and your lifestyle.

I wish I was in your boat and it was food related! My anxiety along with heartburn/reflux is out of control. I don't drink anything anymore but water or chamomile tea. I eat bland foods and sleep elevated. I take meds for it too. Nothing makes my stomach problems go away :(

11-03-2012, 02:54 PM
i dont think mine is fully food related. my anxiety is caused by different things. it depends. but at the moment it is food related.
try eating slowly and small meals regularly instead of big meals 2-3 times a day. even if your anxiety isnt food related, sorting out
eating patterns and eating well can definitely make it easier for you to relax. water + chamomile tea yess! very good. i get these stomach problems once a month..

11-03-2012, 03:56 PM
I get bouts of stomach pains. Last one lasted nearly 2 months daily. It's pretty much disappeared now. Instead replaced with daily lower back and tail bone pain. I shouldn't be surprised. Worries have fed anxiety and put my body through hell. It's sometimes hard accepting it all as anxiety, especially when its a relatively new symptom.

Doctors can test for certain intolerances though, such as lactose or gluten etc. Spicy food can be an irritant. After all capsaicin in chillies is an irritant. I've had excruciatingly hot peppers and sauces in foods before and it's caused full on panic attacks.


11-04-2012, 11:25 PM
I have ibs and iv found the main cause of it to be milk. I did think dairy at first but I can eat other dairy products fine. I seem to be lactose intolerent