View Full Version : Hey!

04-15-2007, 05:20 AM
hi! :)

i suffer from anxiety, i used to suffer from major depression (it is a lot better no b/c of therapy, but i still have some major depressive episodes now and then.)

i also have a touch of OCD. (i wash my hands a lot. it's my form of release, my way of releasing the anxiety I get when I touch gross things) i also shower A LOT( somewhere between 1-4 times a day.. my worst day i shower 6 times, in really warm water... though I’m really fighting this though, cause it is really an intrusion on my life and it is wrecking my skin!!!! so now i have to force my self to just shower once every other day... which is hard...

And to day, quite honestly I and having a BAD day, I did something really stupid yesterday, I got really drunk. Said lots of dumb things and people from work was there, so when I go to work on Tuesday I’ll probably be REALLY anxious.

Lately I’ve started to have really bad panic attacks. I’m really happy that I know what it is, b/c if I didn’t I’ probably pass out a couple of times a day, but I do know what it is and I’m able to calm my self down.

The reason I joined this forum is to talk to people with these problems, it is a good feeling to feel like you’re being understood and that there are people out there who do understand. (:P I’m sure I’m not the only one here that feels that ;))
Well, I’m looking forward to chatting with you all ;)
