View Full Version : what now!

11-03-2012, 09:07 AM
Ive been so busy preparing to move house in 2 weeks, anxiety has eased much much better but.......

I have this very haunting obsessive thoughts of me dying. It also came with flashes of images. I can be walking, eating, washing my face and the flashes will just come out of nowhere.

My feelings when this happens, i am absolutely calm, sometimes i get very uneasy and restless. Sometimes i dont feel anything at all.

Now whats disturbing is, i cant get it out of my head, its constant and even when im super busy, it never fails to come into my head.

Symptoms, i dont have any except, every night, i would have blocked nose, i burp too much, a little breatheless at times and i get dizzy.

Pretty much, im normal except for the thoughts. Well, and the night symptoms. No clue whats up with that.

Anyways, im gonna lurk around. If you experience rhis, pls share. Fyi, i am no longer anxious. Well, a little bit when i have to deal with stupid people. Other than that, i pretty much can put a stop at the first stage, if you know what i meant.

11-03-2012, 12:48 PM
I have real horrible thoughts of dying too!! Wish I could get I've them

11-03-2012, 09:26 PM
When i first got my panic attack, these thoughts were fears, it stopped for a bit when i finally kinda accepted that its anxiety, it left. But it came back a week or 2 ago and starts to really hit ne hard.

The difference between the 2 is, i can tell back then its just my fears, because of the symptoms and feelings, now, its just there without my heart pounding or whatesoever. :(

11-04-2012, 03:21 AM
I'm the same my thoughts create anxiety! You should talk to you dr about CBT that really helped me and I'm currently waiting to start it again x

11-04-2012, 08:18 AM
My thoughts used to create anxiety, now its just getting scary because it just pops out of nowhere, the images and thoughts, its kinda driving me a little wee bit crazy.

I havent been to my therapist for 2 weeks and wont be for another week or 2, i dont have the time.

And i found a job that will keep me busy, but.... i dont know anymore. Ive been busy lately, yet.... the obsessive thoughts are there.

11-04-2012, 01:38 PM
SAME HERE !! I get daily thoughts about me dying am obsessed with this idea I Have The most Horrible Nightmares, I Have Weird feelings and sensations Everyday About Death. Its Pretty Scary and annoying.

11-04-2012, 03:37 PM
I have much of the same thoughts also! I will be doing fine and in a good mood and then somehow randomly they will pop into my head and be constantly in my head the rest of the day. Have you found anything that helps you come out of the thoughts or allows them to not take ahold of you?

11-05-2012, 09:51 AM
I normally just stop the thoughts immediately. Sometimes i just find something else to do to get the images off my head. The easiest to get it out of my head is to go out and shop. it will disappear for a bit even if i noticed the images are gone. I wont let myself think of it all day long.

11-05-2012, 10:28 AM
Our own mortality haunts everyone. We're unfortunate enough to realize we all die whereas most living creatures do not and thus do not fear it. Given how anxious we get regarding health or fear of the symptoms anxiety has bestowed upon us, worrying about death is going to be at the forefront of many anxious people. In all honesty it's hard to really tackle it. If it's not fear of our own death it might be that of a parent or loved one etc. Acceptance is a bitter pill to swallow in many instances. None moreso than when it comes to death.
