View Full Version : my anxiety problems

04-15-2007, 03:26 AM

Im new (first post!) so ill just type down what ever comes out :)

most of my life i have had anxiety problems (im 22) in my teens and childhood they seemed to be fixed very easily and i went through about a 7 year gap where i would say that i was a normal person and didnt have a problem at all.

when i was 20 i somewhere out of the blue started to get the old feelings back and they have been a on-going problem ever since. since the age of 20 till the present day i have had about 4 stages where my anxiety is at a stage where it is un-bearable. when it wasnt un-bearable it was controllable but i still didnt feel normal and knew that it may come back.

at the moment i am going through a un-controble stage after a 2-3 month gap of it being controlable.

when i go through these stages i get the following symptoms:

* severe anixety
* fealling like im going to go crazy
* everything sems like its fake and not real
* i get so scared and start to panic and think of a reason why i should be
* sweating
* cant sleep
* cant eat
* to scared to do normal things cause i feel uncomfrtoble

sonce my new spell of anxiety i have devolpmed a fear of not sleeping which means when i go to bed i suddleny become un-tired and cant sleep so i worry all day about going to bed. and the first thing i think about in the moring is how im going to get to sleep later that day.

does anyone else have these problems or symptoms?

it fels like im wasting my life because it takes over your life and i think im never going to be normal again

any help

04-15-2007, 10:57 PM
well my insomnia is caused by worrying that I wont sleep. Its so annoying. I have a lot of problems with anxiety and I get really cranky. Like the least little thing will upset me. I'm experimenting with different medications right now.. hopefully something will work. Ambien might help you sleep, you could ask your doctor for that. It knocks me out but then it makes me feel groggy the next day so I don't like it. But it might not make you feel groggy.

04-15-2007, 11:42 PM
Hey Aussiefox!

You're not alone. I'm new to the anxiety disorder. So I don't if I may be of much help. I can help out though, by sharing some of what I am reading. :)

I know that you want to end your anxiety and NOW. You're looking for an immediate cure and since it seems like there ain't an immediate one, that adds to your fear. Don't be afraid. Don't dodge the fear. Embrace it. Face it head on. Something I read today is. "the one thing that is for sure about an anxiety attack, is that it will end, eventually." Personally, I'm having to learn how to "ride it out".

When you're in bed and you can't sleep. Try focusing on the softness of your bed. Focus on the softness of your pillows, your blankets, then slowly start to relax your muscles. Pray. I pray to God. You can pray to whatever you believe in. Don't be afraid Aussie. Again, you are not alone.