View Full Version : Dont know how to not worry...

11-02-2012, 12:19 PM
For as long as I can remember, I have always been a very anxious person and very worrisome about things that most others don't typically worry about. A few months ago my worrying kicked in full force and led me into full blown anxiety. I started having really bad scary thoughts that caused me to go into panic attacks and so on. Lately I have managed to realize they are jut thoughts and that if I pay too much attention to them then they win and l suffer. So now that I got that down I worry that they will come back again. I worry that I will be disabled by anxiety someday, I worry about why I had such scary thoughts and that i must be a psychopath. I just feel a constant uneasiness that won't leave my side. I have a happy life a beautiful husband and child and I have lots to be happy about. When I realize I'm not worrying I feel the need to worry because if I am too happy I will face something that is bad and unexpected. Anyone else do this to themselves? If so how do you manage?