View Full Version : bad health anxiety

11-02-2012, 11:34 AM
just wondered if anyone has natural anxiety meds rather than relying on drugs all the time, my health anxiety is really really bad im in cbt but at the moment nothing seems to really help the doc did want to chance my tablet to Escitalopram but i wimped out coming of mirtizipine because i didnt want to feel worse. i dont know if i should change or not im just a bit confused to be honest. my therapist is taking me for a run on tuesday to t and challenge the health anxiety thoughts so hopefully that helps. trouble is i dont do hardly anything in the day at all ive got to much time on my hands and im sitting around with all these symptoms thinking i am dieing it drives me mad. ive had 3 ekgs blood tests and all says im fine i just dont know y i cant truly beleave it.
thanks guys