View Full Version : Getting Mad.. Very Bad Language, you've been warned.

11-02-2012, 09:38 AM
This is what I want to say to certain people in my life.
I've had more than a fucking nough of people that are supposed to know and care about me telling me to stop starving myself! That I'm anorexic, I've even fucking had someone asking me if I make myself sick! Seriously WTF?!!
I fucking weigh 9 stone! I'm in the perfect BMI range! I am not stick thin or obese I'm a normal fucking size.
The worst comment I've had is from my own mother 'its not my fault your slimming for the boys' WTF?! Hi mom, thanks for your support while I'm suffering from an eating phobia, no its not your fault but I'd like to point out IM FUCKING MARRIED HOW CAN I BE SLIMMING FOR THE BOYS WHEN IM A MARRIED WOMAN?!!
'Friends' stop telling me I've lost too much weight. My face has sunken in. I'm a 'skinny minnie' would u like me to point out ur strange ears? Or your overly large feet? No! So stop doing it to me!
I'm upset enough about my weight. I come from a big family as in a FAT family, if your not overweight ur not normal. I don't need constantly reminding that 'I look ill' or I'm'too pale'.
When I'm fucking ready I'll tackle this thing but I don't think I can do that when everyone who I come in contact with is telling me I don't look right!
Back off!!
Better to blow on here then to the people that are offending me.. I've told them enough times without showing them its annoys me to this point..

Here's something for you anxiety ridden people. - A Bully Relies On Your Fear On Them To Keep Their Power, Anxietys The Same, No Respect No Power.
^i speak sense when mad. Thanks for reading.

11-03-2012, 06:24 AM
You know, alot of people say things like this due to jealousy. I know that sounds strange, but I saw it happen to my wife, she was quite overweight and decided to diet in total she lost around 100 lbs, but everyone would always say" you're too thin" " you need to eat" and on and on, I'm sure many of the same things that you have heard she was even called anorexic and belemic by some people.

I know it's not much comfort and isn't going to help with the aggravation but I figured I would chime in as I know exactly what you're talking about and I always chocked it up to jealousy because those who said something were the ones who were overweight and didn't want to be but we're too lazy to do anything about it.

11-03-2012, 07:01 AM
I don't to say there jealous because I don't know if that's true but its a bit of a coincedence that you've pointed that out and everyone who says these things to me are over weight lol
I would like to be bigger than I am, but for my sake not for anybody elses, we all bulk up for winter don't we? Lol
Thank you for your reply and well done to your wife!

11-03-2012, 03:59 PM
Firstly congratulations honey!!! Well done u I'm so glad u sorted things and are a happily married woman - I take it the food things not going well my love - the more people go on At u the more conscious u are of the whole thing- tell them all to shut the fuck up and let u get on with trying to sort yourself out!! I know exactly how u feel- u know I do - my heart goes out to u honey xxx

11-03-2012, 04:19 PM
Hey you!! I've not heard from you for a while how r u? How is everything going? Thanks for the congratulations :) the food thing is still not going well, I've not seen the cbt therapist for like 6 weeks, I got a chest infection the other week and just could not shift it! Ended up in hospital where they told me it was because of my 'eating disorder' -_- twats! Lol how's yours going? I hope your okay xxxxx

11-04-2012, 11:05 AM
Ahhhh bless u camilla- well I'm making sweet trees and hampers and have a page on fb selling it all- it's really keeping my mind occupied and the food is getting there- not great amounts but now I can eat pies- chips- rich tea biscuits- battered burger- hamburger - chicken nuggets and McDs egg cheese and bacon bagel- so a big improvement there- you'll get there lovey- are u still on same food or have u managed to add any? Xx

11-04-2012, 01:06 PM
I've seen them sweet trees, they are awesome!

11-05-2012, 01:32 AM
Well done!! Aww I'm so happy for you, you've come a long way! You even managed something from mcdonalds! Lol well done! And you make sweet trees, you've done so well! I'm really happy for you :) it gives me hope that I'll get to your stage at some point, I'm still on the exact same as before, I tried some chicken soup a few weeks ago but felt really dizzy and out of it the next day so that put me off even more, I see the cbt person on the 7th, I think, well I hope, he said its oo severe to start exposure therapy so he's got to start right at the bottom, could take months before we get somewhere, but at least we'll get somewhere! Have you done it all by yourself? If you have well done!! :D

11-05-2012, 01:44 AM
now I can eat pies- chips- rich tea biscuits- battered burger- hamburger - chicken nuggets and McDs egg cheese and bacon bagel- so a big improvement there-

JESUS... this food is an IMPROVEMENT? lmao!!!!!

Think you'd be better off sticking to just weetabix...

11-05-2012, 03:00 AM
I'm the weetabix woman daz, keep up! Lol that's a huge improvement! I'd kill to eat any of those things! Mmm fried foods.. Kfc chicken... Brocolli.. I have no idea why I'm craving broccoli but I am lol if u eat weetabix long enough even your own arm looks tasty lol Mmm meat..

11-05-2012, 03:53 AM
I can't stand weetabix. So bland! Like eating crunchy and or soggy cardboard

11-05-2012, 04:07 AM
They are the worst things invented. God knows why I can only eat weetabix! After a while they start to taste sugary lol I have no idea why.. Some people actually go on a 'weetabix and toast' diet, I mean WTF?!! Who would choose to do that?