View Full Version : am i nuts or do other have problems just as crazy

11-01-2012, 07:09 PM
I think this makes me strange. Similar to how people react when nails are scratched on a chock bored.. When i see a peice of plastic, for example, shrink wrapped over some and there are multiple small holes through out it. Just to look at it makes me shiver, touching it is worse. I had a dream once that that happened to my face too. I have another issue with light bulbs, if they flicker or burn out. Especially floresants, they make me jump and creep me out. I cant even stand underneath a floresant if its burning out. (Flickering, or making that zapping or ticking noise that they do) Am i nuts or is it anxiety....

11-02-2012, 01:44 AM
Bit weird I must say...

Can you think of any reason why this has come about? when it started?

Sounds to me like you've watched too many horror films! lol

11-02-2012, 02:07 AM
Might be some form of OCD. Do you see a counselor or therapist? They might be able to help you with these, fear is the wrong word, it's more like extreme aversion to these things.

11-02-2012, 04:31 AM
Its just a phobia lol I think it is anyway I get exactly the same near ladybird and rabbits, they just creep me right out, when I see one I need to get away, there was a ladybird loose on the bus the other day, headed my way I had no other option but to scream and move.. Very fast lol I couldn't settle till I knew it was gone, see a cbt therapist if it is actually a phobia that's affecting your life.. And the dream u had when it was your face? Pure anxiety. Like if you dream of pulling your teeth out (that's a common one) its anxiety

11-02-2012, 05:50 AM
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11-02-2012, 06:16 AM
You have absolutely no idea how much that creeped me out, I did not expect that.. Now I feel itchy.. And had a slight heart palpitation.. Nasty man -_- < that is me.. Dead eying u!

11-02-2012, 06:18 AM
Sounds like OCD. You should talk to your doc about CBT, it probably would help.

11-02-2012, 06:29 AM
You have absolutely no idea how much that creeped me out, I did not expect that.. Now I feel itchy.. And had a slight heart palpitation.. Nasty man -_- < that is me.. Dead eying u!

The missus is the same with mice / rats / hamsters, etc.

Fine with spiders / snakes / crocs and just about anything else... it's just mice she hates. Freaks when she sees even a picture.

Completely irrational! (but highly amusing when I chuck a rubber mouse at her in joke shops lmao)

11-02-2012, 06:55 AM
You cruel person!! That would definately be divorce material! I'd deffo class that as mental torture LOL
Mice bite! So do ladybirds.. I think one bit me on my nose when I was younger lol or I've convinced myself it did? LOL
And have u seen watership down?!!! Reason for not liking rabbits explained right there.

11-02-2012, 06:58 AM
That film scared the shit out of me too. I have a wabbit but I can't upload a pic Grrr! lol

11-02-2012, 07:07 AM
You people are cruel!! Its just there eyes and their fur that creep me out, I can stand to be around any rabbits that aren't grey LOL I'm weird, I'm not coming back on this thread because I can't stop itching over that damn ladybird!! Its huge!

11-02-2012, 07:13 AM
I don't like ladybirds either. When I was a kid I had one on my hand and it shit on me or left some sort of excrement behind. Yuuukk!
All insects/spiders creep me out actually.

11-02-2012, 07:26 AM
I don't like ladybirds either. When I was a kid I had one on my hand and it shit on me or left some sort of excrement behind. Yuuukk!
All insects/spiders creep me out actually.


I know what you're talking about, but that is not poo-poo... it's pyrazine, a chemical released when the ladybug senses danger.
It's the bugs defense mechanism.

Stinks and tastes horrid!

11-02-2012, 07:33 AM
By the way, we may question why we have such odd phobias... but actually, phobias are our natural way of avoiding danger.

E.g. the colours YELLOW and BLACK on an insect (e.g. wasp / bee) are meant to signal danger. This is why we freak when see them.

Ladybirds excrete disgusting chemicals which are MEANT to warn us off... so a phobia or aversion toward them is quite instrinctive & normal.

Why the original poster has a phobia of flickering lights, lord only knows... but I'm betting my bottom dollar (or pound, rather) that there's a
subliminal association with something sinister.

11-02-2012, 07:37 AM

I know what you're talking about, but that is not poo-poo... it's pyrazine, a chemical released when the ladybug senses danger.
It's the bugs defense mechanism.

Stinks and tastes horrid!

You tasted it? Erghh! Hahaha

11-02-2012, 07:39 AM
Probably a scary film.. Or maybe a light bulbs bust while they've been around it?
Like balloons when u know they're gunna pop you tense up don't u? Well I do lol could be same sort of thing..

11-02-2012, 07:59 AM
Probably a scary film.. Or maybe a light bulbs bust while they've been around it?
Like balloons when u know they're gunna pop you tense up don't u? Well I do lol could be same sort of thing..

Or used a flourescent strip-light as a Star Wars light saber... but cut themselves on the shattered glass after smashing it over someone's (or their own) head?

11-02-2012, 08:13 AM
LOL Is that based on your own experience dazza? LOL!

11-02-2012, 08:25 AM
When I see fluorescent lights flicker and make that buzzing noise I think of that film "Saw" where they wake up chained to whatever *shudder* maybe that's it?

11-02-2012, 08:26 AM
when i see fluorescent lights flicker and make that buzzing noise i think of that film saw were they wake up chained up *shudder* maybe that's it?

hello, jhunter69...

i wanna play a game

11-02-2012, 08:52 AM
hello, jhunter69...

i wanna play a game

Can't be for me... S'not my name :)

11-02-2012, 09:00 AM
OOps... I gave you a 69.

Errrmmmm... I'll rephrase that... :-D

11-02-2012, 09:19 AM
:-o :-o lol!

11-02-2012, 11:03 AM
I do have a small clue of why I have the crazy problems with lights. One, I used to get severe mirgraines and I would see an aura for bout 20 min and that made me panic every time. They do flash and move around. Why the sound of it, I don't know. I would say the flashing part is the worst. But iv had this problem sense I can remember. And thanx to those of you who made fun of me. If I wanted that I woulda told some random joe that doesn't have anxiety.

11-02-2012, 11:51 AM
It sounds like the aura thing has given you a fear of getting that again, what scared you so much about it?
If its affecting your life you really need to see someone, a cbt therapist would be perfect for you because they deal with the 'here and now'
As for taking the mess, its probably easy for us to take the p*ss because we're not living your life, I can happily laugh off thge ladybird and rabbit phobia, well its more of just a fear, but I can't laugh about my food phobia in the slightest, because it affects my everyday life, so I know where your coming from.
If I was you I'd go to a cbt therapist and do some exposure therapy, they never laugh no matter how weird the fear, my cbt therapist told me he dealt with someone that had a fear of midgets (couldn't help but laugh) and someone that had a fear of buttons! Imagine that?!
My hypnotherapist was dealing with someone that had a phobia of nachos lol they wanted curing because they was going on holiday to mexico, I'm not sure whether he was joking or not but that had me laughing for a while lol.
Good luck in whatever you decide to do and I hope you get over this at some point :)

11-02-2012, 04:02 PM
well, I should go see someone. The flickering now reminds of an aura bc of the flashing. And when I get an aura, I get nauseous, some times barf, bad bad head ache, and a few other small things that r part of migrains. But the most stupid part is, iv had the problem sense I can remember. I just though it was an issue when I was real little (4 years or so) and that I would grow out of it. But now I'm 24 and feel embarassed about it. I guess horror movies might have something to do with the issue with plastic. I love those movies.

11-03-2012, 01:14 AM
I love horror movies to, but since the anxiety came I stoppped watching them lol have you had your eyes checked? You probably have but migranes can sometimes be something to do with your eyes, you can like purple lensed glasses that are very good at toning down lights.
It does sound like a phobia from childhood, cbt uses exposure therapy so they'll show you that you have nothing to be afraid of