View Full Version : Extreme Anxiety

11-01-2012, 06:03 PM
I'm in need to speak with others who can relate to me and help cope with my extreme anxiety. I have always suffered from anxiety as a child but never to this extent. I have been to therapist but they don't seem to help much. It's hard to speak about it to people who don't relate. They look at you like you are crazy.
I've gone through a lot these past few years. My grandmother whom raised me past away suffering from pancreatic cancer. It's the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with in my life because she's all I had. I went through some much heart break and pain with jealous family that I have no one. Not long after my grandmothers death I got married and had a beautiful little girl. She's my world. It's not till after I had her when I started to have really bad anxiety. I started working in a ER. And that's when it all hit me. You hear about sickness and you see it from an outside point of view but when I started to view it first hand I started to feel symptoms of those who were sick in me. Chest pain, SOB, lightheaded, near syncope, constant migraines, nervous, arm tingling and a little heavy. I am always worrying that I am having a heart attack or a stroke. I am 24 years old and in good health. No serious family history. I should feeling youthful and enjoy every moment of my life with my daughter. But instead my mind is occupied with fear of death. I am always scared something is going to happen to me. I have to force myself to places like the mall, grocery store, or even outside outings. I get extremely nervous. I cry because I feel like a horrible mother. I just want all my thoughts to stop!! I tell my self I'm ok, I take deep breaths and try to keep a positive state of mind. But all I do is worry. It's the worst feeling in the world. I can't go out with my husband because I get extremely anxious around people. It's hard to go out to eat or even to the movies. I can't even have a drink because I am so in tune with my body that I get even worst when I feel my heart pounding faster. I am scared what if something is really happening to me but I can't define real or from anxiety because everyday I have anxiety and worry. I can't take medication because I am afraid I will have some kind if allergic reaction. I have also tried to work out a little but I start to freak out and get chest pain. I am losing my mind feeling this way. Any suggestions?? Please don't judge :)

11-01-2012, 09:31 PM
I deal with the same fear of death. It's very extreme at times. With me, I worry about my loved ones passing away and the only reason I worry about myself dying is because I have a daughter to take care of. I also recently got marred and had a little girl. I've had a lot of ppl tell me that its common to have so many emotions and get that fear of death after having a child. I haven't found anything to help myself so I'm sorry I can't help but I know how you feel! Your not alone. Good luck and I hope it gets better for you.

11-02-2012, 01:31 AM
I deal with the same fear of death. It's very extreme at times. With me, I worry about my loved ones passing away and the only reason I worry about myself dying is because I have a daughter to take care of. I also recently got marred and had a little girl. I've had a lot of ppl tell me that its common to have so many emotions and get that fear of death after having a child. I haven't found anything to help myself so I'm sorry I can't help but I know how you feel! Your not alone. Good luck and I hope it gets better for you.

Sounds like you need some happiness / holiday / time-out / distractions in your life.

Do you get out much? (I'm guessing not)
Do you socialize much? (I'm guessing not)

11-02-2012, 08:25 AM
the biggest problem with anxiety is the fact that thoughts become a reality. something that you know is very unlikely to happen however because the thought scares you so much you feel as if it is most likely going to happen to you. however, if you ask the people around you they will laugh and suggest you to stop thinking so silly!!
the understanding of your thoughts is the only way to stop them. ill try to make it very simple.... if i tell you now to not think of a dog what will you do? think of a dog? now if this dog that you think of scares you and you try so hard not to think of the scary dog then you are bound to get in a bit of a pickle no being able to escape from this particular thought. so trying hard to not think of a thought will only make your brain think of it more. simple isnt it? so the way you escape these thoughts is actually not by trying to escape them at all. think them!! allowe them to float around in your head all day if they have to and watch them scare you less and less!! its all about being able to accept these thoughts and know the truth they are irrational aspects to your anxiety. i hope this helps!!?

11-02-2012, 08:38 AM
if im honest i wish i had written that better^^^