View Full Version : heartburn/heart attack?! anynone? please!

11-01-2012, 05:34 PM
hello everyone, its been awhile since i have posted but once again i am feeling very anxious.... this is probably the 100th time i have had this problem. I always get this pain in the left side of my upper chest just under my breast bone, i take daily omeprozol for acid reflux and eat a hand full of tums everyday because it never seems to go away.... well when it gets nasty i always ALWAYS think i am having a heart attack.... i go to the dang er or urgent care all the dang time for it, and the last time i went (mid september) i spent like 8 hours in the er... testing my triponin (sp), ekgs, stress tests along with being injected with some radioactive stuff and getting a ct scan to see my valves and such and also had a ECG (ultrasound) done that week...everything came just fine.... i mean if thoes things come back good (i am only 27) im obviously not having nor am i just going to have a heart attack out of the blue a month later right?? i guess im looking for someone with anxiety that has the same problems and a little re assurance asap... i dont want to call urgent care, and i dont want to go to the er and be looked at like a fool for the 100th time.... if you do have this, do you get the "reffered pain" in your shoulders and back also? can gerd or acid reflux cause that or do u think it is anxiety causing it?!?! please please please someone out there know what i am talking about!!! :( just need some re assurance im not going to keel over from a heart attack tonight alone!

thanks so so so so so very much if you reply!! i know its silly, i feel stupid myself...but it just is what it is...anxiety! and i HATE it!! :o(

11-01-2012, 05:37 PM
Well im not a doctor but I don't think you're having a hearte attack, anxiety can feel like a heart attack and if you get heartburn and it makes you anxious it can make the heart urn worse. Hope this makes you feel better.

11-01-2012, 07:17 PM
Maybe it's your gallbladder and not your heart at all. I had pain in my left shoulder blade and in my chest. If it is, I would do everything to save a surgeon from taking it out. There are many natropath doctors that will fix it. Having it out causes so many more problems...

11-01-2012, 07:50 PM
I was feeling the exact same way in the morning and is been going on for a while now and when i do i think right away is it a heart attack? I was just in the er for the same reason yesterday and they did an ekg i also felt short of breath and they tild me it was anxiety/panic attacks. So just try to relax i know is hard when the pain is their but just know your ok :)

11-01-2012, 08:15 PM
Oh my! I woke up this morning with the exact same thing and thought I was having a heart attack for the 10,000th time. I know EXACTLY what you mean - I get the referred back and shoulder pain, I've had multiple tests and bloodwork also. About 2 months ago my GP sat in front of me and looked me in the eyes and said, "I do not think it's your heart!" It is obviously anxiety; heartburn/reflux starts and I immediately think heart attack, then the heartburn gets worse, etc. I think the one thing feeds off of the other - It is maddening! I also get what they think are esophogeal(sp) spasms which really freak me out. CBT has helped me a lot and I am waiting to go back to a naturopath to see what her suggestions are. I'm so sorry you are suffering with this too:(

11-02-2012, 01:41 AM
Long periods of excess acid is not good for your guts. You shouldn't have to eat a handful of antacids EVERYDAY.

Although I appreciate that anxiety causes stomach problems and that anxiety cannot be cured overnight... I would seriously look at my eating habits in order to minimize the acids if I were you. I would obviously go for foods which cause least acids.

Seems like you've had all the heart tests so you can rule heart problems out... but you need to do something about those acids & your anxiety!

11-02-2012, 10:06 AM
Hi crystalrose.

I am going through a lot of what you are going through! I started getting really bad acid reflux/heartburn during the summer. I was put on omeprazole during that time and later switched to pantoprazole but nothing ever seems to help. I went to the ER about 2 months ago thinking I was having a heart attack because I had heavy pain/pressure right in the middle of my chest between my breasts (and also suffer heart palpitations/heart racing so I thought it was really happening). After running tests they concluded that it was just heart burn and sent me home. I am scared all the time that either I have heart problems or I have cancer in my stomach or esophagus. It has gotten completely out of control. I'm scared to eat half the time because I don't know what might make it worse. I don't eat or drink anything I once enjoyed. I sleep with my bed elevated... The symptoms persist. About 2 weeks ago I began having sensations in my throat. Everytime I swallow I feel like there is a chunk a food caught and sometimes it feels like it is closing. Really scared all the time. :(

I have an appt next week with a GI and I am really hoping to find some answers. I guess at the same time I am afraid of the answers. My life is a complete mess right now.

If you ever want to chatter with someone who is going through similar stuff, please PM me at any time. I am always looking for people to talk to who can relate.

Take care of yourself and feel better! :)