View Full Version : muscle twitching,thoughts and zoloft??

11-01-2012, 04:53 PM
just wondering if anyone else experiences muscle twitching at all as a symptom of anxiety i have only been dealing with anxiety a short time but have noticed alot of short sometimes longer muscle twitches all over my body does anyone else get this at all?? also internal tremors does anyone get this as a symptom of anxiety??
also thoughts i seem to be thinking the weirdest stupid things sometimes like now im totally scared the muscle twitching is something really serious like als or something over the last 2 months i have been convinced first i had a brain tumor,then i had cancer, then i had a heart condition now i have a neuro disease or something is this normal anxiety thinking??
zoloft does it work?? and are there any side affects with it??

11-01-2012, 06:21 PM
I always get muscle twitching due to anxiety, almost over a year I've had it now!