View Full Version : Newbie!

11-01-2012, 02:50 PM
Hi all, just found this forum and it has helped knowing that i'm not the only one going through this! I've suffered from anxiety pretty badly for about 4 years now, it just hit one day when I woke up. I've had almost every symptom i've seen on here but since day one i've been light headed and it has never let up, not even for a minute. I was put on citalopram near the beginning and came off it cold turkey a few months ago and felt that it was under control, even though the light headedness was still there. The problem is, about 2 weeks ago I took a trip with a friend and noticed my left arm felt kind of numb, like when I touched my face it wasn't my hand.. was strange. Since that, the light headedness has got 10x worse and i'm getting alot of symptoms i've never experienced before like a sore head, feeling like i'm in a dream and my mind goes blank when i'm talking about something.. the symptoms have been non stop for the past few weeks and because i'm not used to them I feel like something serious is wrong, does anxiety just change and worsen after years of the same symptoms? Does this just sound like anxiety or is it something more serious? Thanks in advance for any help :(

11-01-2012, 03:44 PM
Dream thing is derealization or whatever. Pretty common. I dont get lightheaded but I get heavy headed which is rather annoying.

11-01-2012, 04:41 PM
I get the light headed feeling and always have! All those symtoms are classic of anxiety. I always found that id get used to one thing so it wouldn't scare me and the bang it would throw something else at me to scare the shite out of me!


11-02-2012, 06:35 PM
It sounds like all of your symptoms are related to anxiety in some way. I get light headed and a heavy head - its quite common for anxiety sufferers.

You'll find that the numbness is a symptom too - I get it in my hands and feet if in trying to regulate my breathing or if I'm hyperventilating.

I'm assuming that since you have suffered from this for a while and tried medication you have had a full health screen from your doctor? These symptoms, whilst annoying are nothing to really worry about. Try to take an analytical approach. Tell yourself that you are anxious due to a real or perceived threat and that you are experiencing symptoms associated with an adrenaline flood in your body.

And welcome to the forum. You will never be alone here.

11-03-2012, 01:46 PM
Yes I have experienced the numbness too, it wasn't always a symptom but is now pretty regular when I'm having a bad day

11-03-2012, 02:46 PM
Symptoms defiantly get worse as we feed them. You should read self help for you nerves by dr Claire weekes! I've just finished it and think it could really help you. It basically says that fear feeds panic and that we should accept the feelings not fight them and let time pass. As time passes we fear less and will gradually over come! Good luck xx